Omich decided to sue after refusal to work, citing a law on gay propaganda

The may day district court of Omsk will consider the claim of a local resident at a sports nutrition store, where he refused to hire because of the similarity with gay. This was the plaintiff told RIA Novosti on Wednesday, July 19.

The man considered this decision a violation of the provisions on the right of everyone to work, enshrined in the Constitution and the Labor code of Russia. It requires the defendant compensation for moral damages and legal costs.

The plaintiff tried to get to the store a shop assistant in the spring, but did not interview. Denial of employment a man asked to issue in writing.

According to the applicant, in a letter signed by the head of the personnel Department it was said that the demeanor and appearance of the applicant created the impression of him as the representative of sexual minorities. Such an open demonstration of their preferences in private life, in the opinion of management of the store violates the law banning gay propaganda among minors.

On 20 June the European court of human rights has recognized the discriminatory Russian law banning gay propaganda among minors due to the fact that the range of application of these standards is not clearly defined. The decision was made in the framework of the lawsuit of a group of citizens about violation of their rights to freedom of expression.

