MIA was allowed to stop motorists outside posts
Russian inspectors once again allowed to stop the car outside of fixed positions. On Wednesday, July 19, at the meeting with the President of Russia with members of the government said the first Deputy interior Minister of Russia Alexander Gorovoy, reports “Interfax”.
According to him, limiting the powers of the traffic cops the order adopted five years ago, was a mistake considering the “transport logistics and geography of our country.”
Gorovoy added that the Ministry also decided to stop a passenger bus in the case that the mode of work of their drivers will be broken. Thus, it is proposed to give them the opportunity to relax.
Newstraffic: changes in regulations yet Many media outlets today reported that the traffic police inspectors “back right” to stop vehicles out of stationary posts
“We expect a certain negativity among the passengers. But having worked a month in this mode, I think pobedim entities to the requirements of order of Ministry of transport, which determines the mode of work of drivers”, — said the representative of the Ministry of interior. As law enforcement officers will determine whether the tired bus driver, Gorovoy said.
According to the current Ministry of internal Affairs order No. 297, the inspector has the right to stop the car for check of documents and cargo only on stationary posts of traffic police. In addition, it is prohibited to brake the car without the need. Stop vehicles to other places is allowed only the “special events”.
In October 2012, Viktor Nilov, who held the post of head of traffic police of Russia, signed the order actually abolished the “cane system.” As he wrote “Izvestia”, the inspectors were instructed by cameras to focus on the fight against serious traffic violations, drunk driving and speeding. At the same time they were ordered “not to stop motorists without good reason” and “do not chase official statements”.