Photo: Associated Press
A man dressed in a stylized suit of Superman Bathrobe, crashed, falling from the tenth floor of a residential building in the U.S. Memphis (Tennessee). It is reported by Fox News on Sunday, July 16.
It is noted that the building inhabited mostly the elderly and the disabled. The local police said that, according to some reports, the victim had committed suicide.
The eyewitness of the incident said that the man, whose name was not disclosed, was shouting something from the balcony before he fell.
A neighbor of the victim said that he had talked to him two days before the incident. “He wasn’t drunk and I didn’t take any. It seemed that with him everything is in order,” said the man.
In June 2016 in Saransk killed 51-year-old man dressed in a Batman costume. He fell from the window of a residential block of flats.