Associates of the Pope found in the administration trump new crusaders

Stephen Bannon

Senior adviser to the President of the United States Donald trump Stephen Bannon runs a new ideology of the crusaders. This was written by two close to the Pope person in the newspaper La Civilta Cattolica, a publication which shall be approved by the Holy see. The content of the article reports The Guardian.

According to the authors — editor in chief of La Civilta Cattolica, Antonio J. spadaro, who met the editor in chief of the Argentine version of the Vatican newspaper L’osservatore Romano, Marcelo Figueroa — U.S. authorities are using religious arguments to demonize entire populations, especially migrants and Muslims.

“Through the prism of this Manichaean vision of militancy may acquire a theological Foundation. There are pastors who seek him scriptural basis for using the sacred texts without context,” the authors say.

In their opinion, Bannon was brought up in the doctrine of American Christian fundamentalism that was promoted by the preacher John Rushdoony. “The doctrine of Rushdoony tells about the theocratic necessary to subdue the state of the Bible, by the same logic that is used Islamic fundamentalism. In the heart of the attitude and jihadists, and new crusaders is the story of terror, which they draw from nearby wells,” they stress.

