On the beach in Florida 80 people created a human chain and rescued the drowning — TV

On the beach in Florida 80 people created a human chain and rescued the drowning — TV

MOSCOW, 12 APR — RIA Novosti. Almost 80 people on a beach in Florida has created a live chain with a length of about 100 meters to save his family, which due to strong currents were far from shore and could drown, reports CBS.

As informs television channel, Robert Ursrey family was vacationing on the beach when she noticed that her two sons were missing. The woman saw that her children will take from the banks over, and rushed to their aid, for it hastened six family members. However, it appeared that none of them can withstand the elements.

Dozens of strangers form human chain to rescue swimmers at Florida beach https://t.co/W0AmsgNhDj pic.twitter.com/9BJXVpyugy

— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 12, 2017.
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Rescue drowning hurried vacationers, including those who could not swim. They decided to create a human chain, which managed to avoid the tragedy.

“I am so grateful. I owe them my life and my family’s life,” said Urra. According to the channel, her mother had a heart attack while in the water. She was sent to the hospital. None of the other family members seriously injured.

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