Ministry of internal Affairs of Abkhazia has promised 1 million roubles for information about the killer of Russians

Ministry of internal Affairs of Abkhazia has promised 1 million roubles for information about the killer of Russians

Ministry of internal Affairs of Abkhazia announced a reward of 1 million rubles for information about the robbers who killed a Russian tourist in the Gudauta district of the Republic. It is reported TASS with reference to the TV Abkhazia.

“For reliable information on the whereabouts of the perpetrators of the assault on the Russian tourists in the Gudauta district and the murder of one of them, the interior Ministry of Abkhazia announced a reward of 1 million rubles,” — said in a statement law enforcement agencies.

The investigation into the murder of the Russian tourist under personal control took the President Raul Khajimba. Operation on search of robbers led by the head of the Abkhazian interior Ministry Aslan Kobakhia.

Khajimba had already visited the crime scene. According to the state news Agency “Apsnypress” with reference to press Secretary of the head of state, because of the crime, the President canceled his trip to Adygea.

The attack on the Russian tourists in Abkhazia took place on 11 July in the Gudauta district. Two couples from Moscow was attacked by robbers armed with guns and a knife. Killing one of the Russians. The police of Abkhazia continues to search criminals.

