Experience the world of recycling

Experience the world of recycling

Clothing, art installations, and other ways to use waste for useful purposes.

With the advancement of technology the problem of recycling needs to become less relevant. Scientific inventions lead to new, albeit not the most conventional solutions. In some countries, the innovative ideas already being implemented.


The most famous and one of the most effective ways is to sort the garbage. For example, in Switzerland in 2000, authorities banned the construction of landfills. The bulk of the waste went for recycling, the rest were burned. At the same time in each container is placed a certain kind of waste: separately collected glass, old clothes, batteries, paper, organic food and other waste types. Violators are punished with high fines.


Another successful example of recycling demonstrates Sweden. Not far from Stockholm operates the largest and most powerful recycling plant: it makes people unnecessary junk in raw materials and energy that goes into the production of electricity, service cities, providing residents with hot water and heating.


For example, an old mobile phone or TV, not necessarily to get rid of: it can be disassembled and used the parts to manufacture a new. And recycling opens new opportunities both for large companies and artists who give discarded things a new life.

A house made of garbage

