In Crimea, said on the request of the OSCE PA to return the region to Ukraine


RIA Novosti

In the Crimea, rejected the demands of the parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for security and cooperation in Europe (OSCE PA). It is reported RIA Novosti with reference to the head of ethnic Committee of the Republic of Zaur Smirnov.

“The reunification of the Crimea with Russia – this is forever, everyone who entertains any other thought greatly deceive. No ultimatums or appeals will not force Crimeans to change the selection in favor of their historic homeland”, – said Smirnov.

Demand Russia to return the region to Ukraine contained in the resolution adopted by the political Committee of the organization. Moscow has opposed the adoption of the document. If the OSCE PA will vote for the final resolution, Russia intends to publish its own version of the document. Smirnov called a “human rights violation” the failure of Kiev to recognize the results of voting on the Peninsula. Earlier the President of Russia Vladimir Putin said that the annexation of the region to Russia “historically closed”. Crimea became part of Russia in March 2014 following a referendum.

