The white house made a mistake in the names of posts of leaders of China and Japan

The white house made a mistake in the names of posts of leaders of China and Japan

The white house has twice made a mistake in the names of posts of the Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe and President XI Jinping. About it reports The Washington Post.

Soon after the bilateral meeting of US President Donald trump with XI Jinping in a press release, the White house “mistakenly pointed out si as the head of the Republic of China”.

Huge mistake in the readout just issued by @WhiteHouse for @POTUS-Xi pre-bilat remarks: “XI PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”

— Steve Herman (@W7VOA) July 8, 2017
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The Washington Post emphasizes that this can be perceived by Beijing as an insult, endangering adherence to the policy of “one China.”

The policy of “one China” implies the recognition of the existence of only one China — the people’s Republic of China, as the name also claims the island of Taiwan, despite the fact that China considers Taiwan part of its territory.

Previously, according to the newspaper, the White house made a mistake in the name of Prime Minister of Japan, calling Shinzo Abe a “President” of the country.

Also in January, the White house press release misspelled the name of the Prime Minister of great Britain Theresa may (Theresa is indicated Teresa).

