Ukraine stopped the second wave of a cyber attack virus Petya

Ukraine stopped the second wave of a cyber attack virus Petya

According to the head of the MIA of Ukraine Arsen Avakov, the cyberpolice blocked the distribution and activation of the virus from the servers of the information system M.E.DOC.

KIEV, July 5. /TASS/. Employees of law enforcement bodies of Ukraine have stopped a second wave of proliferation in the country of the virus Petya, who last week caused disruptions in the work of the government, major banks and transportation companies. On Wednesday the Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Arsen Avakov.

“Special agents of the Department of postal and telecommunications together with the specialists of the security Service of Ukraine and Prosecutor’s office stopped the second stage of a cyber attack Petya. The peak attack was scheduled for 16:00. Started the attack at 13:40. To 15:00 cyberpolice blocked the distribution and activation of the virus from the servers of the information system M.E.DOC” — he wrote on the page in Facebook.

The police of Ukraine of July 4 seized the equipment of the Ukrainian company M.E.DOC that develops the most popular programs for tax administration. However, as reported head of the Department of cyber police of the MIA of Ukraine Sergey Demediuk, investigations were associated with the investigation of the first cyber attacks. The consequence considers that the original source of the spread of the virus were updates sent out by the company. Representatives M.E.DOC said their servers were not hacked, but a common upgrade is free of viruses.

27 June was recorded a global hacker attack using the virus-ransomware Petya. According to experts, the virus attacked nearly 80 companies, most of which are Ukrainian. In Russia, the effects of the virus were “Rosneft”, “Bashneft”, Mars, Nivea and Mondelez International. Virus blocking startup of the operating system and the resumption of the decoding of the file requires a ransom of $300 in bitcoins.

