The United States lifted the ban on transportation electronics on flights from Turkey

The United States lifted the ban on transportation electronics on flights from Turkey

The U.S. government canceled the restriction on the transportation of large electronic devices on planes, following in the country of Turkey. On Wednesday, July 5, reports Reuters.

Turkish carrier Turkish Airlines allowed passengers to carry hand Luggage on Board laptops and other similar gadgets during flight at 06:45 GMT went from Istanbul to new York. In addition, the management of the carrier said that in the near future awaits the lifting of a similar ban on the transportation of electronics, imposed by the British authorities.

The United States canceled such restrictions for the Istanbul Ataturk airport and Turkish Airlines.

The transport Minister of Turkey Ahmet Arslan (Ahmet Arslan) said that this became possible thanks to new security measures imposed at the air port at the request of the American side.

Monday, July 3, it became known that Washington was allowed to be transported in carry-on baggage electronic devices in aircraft bound for the US from the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in Abu Dhabi. A similar ban was removed after the commissioning of the new paragraph of the preliminary control in the terminal number 3 of the air Harbor. There, travelers will be able to pass immigration and customs.

In June, the Minister of internal security of the USA John Kelly has announced tighter controls on flights from overseas to America. The new measures relate to the 280 airports in 150 countries, has also affected Russia.

In March, passengers traveling to the U.S. from a number of States in combating terrorism was forbidden to store in hand Luggage devices larger than mobile phones. In addition to Turkey and the UAE, this rule was extended to Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar and other countries.

