The defendants in the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing” has decided to judge in the Netherlands

The defendants in the collapse of the Malaysian “Boeing” has decided to judge in the Netherlands

However, the decision does not mean that the guilty will appear before court soon.

Moscow. July 5. INTERFAX.RU — suspect in the case of the crash of flight MN17 “Malaysian airlines” in Eastern Ukraine are scheduled in the Netherlands in the framework of Dutch legislation, said Wednesday the Agency Bloomberg.

This decision was made by the representatives of the countries cooperating in the investigation of this crash — the Netherlands, Australia, Malaysia, Ukraine and Belgium, the report said citing Dutch media, which cites informed sources.

The Agency notes that the investigation is ongoing, and the decision does not mean that the guilty will appear before court soon.

As reported ,”Boeing 777″ Malaysia Airlines, carrying out flight MH-17 Amsterdam (Netherlands) — Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) was shot down in the skies over the Donetsk region on 17 July 2014. On its Board there were 298 people, they all died.

Created an international joint investigation team (Joint Investigation Team, JIT), composed of prosecutors and representatives of other law enforcement agencies of the Netherlands, Belgium, Australia, Ukraine and Malaysia, as well as representatives of Eurojust, on 28 September 2016 in the Netherlands presented the results of a criminal investigation of the causes of the disaster.

In mid-November of 2016, the Minister of transport Malaysia LIOU Tiong Lai (Liow Tiong Lai) has declared that they have already identified the names of 100 suspects involved in the tragedy with “Boeing” and they will be named before the start of 2018.

