“The woman who stopped the cold war” Suzanne Massey: Against Russia configured a handful of elites, and not trump and the American people

“The woman who stopped the cold war” Suzanne Massey: Against Russia configured a handful of elites, and not trump and the American people

The recommendation for the leaders of the United States and Russia, former adviser to Ronald Reagan, who helped in the negotiations with Gorbachev.

Under the chords of the first Concerto of Tchaikovsky sculptor Alexander Burganov breaks in the courtyard of the Museum (in Moscow) the canvas with the new creation — the statue of Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan, shaking each other hands. And assists the Creator of an elderly American woman in elegant black dress and pearls, the famous Suzanne Massey, which in the 1980s called “the woman who stopped the cold war.” In love with Russian culture counselor of the Reagan instructed him before the first historic talks with Soviet leader in Geneva in 1985 and further meetings, which forced the US President to waive the assessment of the USSR as the “evil Empire”. And who does not like her today should give advice to Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in front of a personal meeting at a summit on 7-8 July in Hamburg.


Relationship with Russia the couple-journalists Suzanne and Robert MASSY was born in a tragic reason. Their son Bobby in the 70-ies of the last century has been diagnosed with hemophilia (a blood networkelement) suffered another Tsarevich Alexei Romanov.

Knowing that Gregory Rasputin was able not once to save the heir, they went to Russia for any information. Here Suzanne was imbued with cultural and historical heritage of our country, then wrote the book “Nicholas and Alexander” and many others, published the poems of poets, including Joseph Brodsky, collected money for the restoration of the Pavlovsk Palace and eventually became a major specialist in the country. Been here constantly, which greatly bothered the KGB, and then sat a long time without a visa.

A big politics came into her life at a time when Ronald Reagan was thinking whether he should meet with Mikhail Gorbachev. Familiar with the opinion of the Massey people in power (she insisted that it is necessary to meet uniquely) presented its President. So she was in the White house. (A son, incidentally, came out, and he too subsequently went into politics).


Mrs. MASSY, as you instructed the President of the United States?

I’m a writer, to politics and think tanks, which is developing a US foreign policy have nothing to do. I just studied the Russian culture and know her and the Russian people as well as the people and culture of America.

With Ronald Reagan I met front of each of his communication with Gorbachev. He then experienced: “Gorbachev is so young and I am old…”. I gave him this answer: “You get older, you’re wiser, you have been on post, you are stronger.” During their first meeting in Geneva in November 1985, when they talked for eight hours, I was in Leningrad, was watching the news on TV and felt a strong sense of pride. Saw that Reagan was interesting. Hope that trump will take the time to learn how took place the historic meeting.

During the negotiations on reducing medium-range missiles Reagan gave: “Trust, but verify”. This Russian proverb I taught him: “There’s a saying, which may be useful to you. You’re an actor and learn it in a minute.” Many thought that he was just an actor, but he was able to see people. Liked to joke. Already in Moscow in 1988 on the question of Mikhail Sergeyevich, “the Kremlin?” replied, “I like anything that’s older than me!”.

— What were your impressions of these people-politicians?

— Reagan was a deeply religious man who really wanted peace. They both tried to stop nuclear war. But in the end left that problem to us.


— The situation before the meeting of their successors 30 years later, lighter or heavier?

— Heavier. But I hope for the best. And I disagree with the statement that there is a new cold war. She goes to Washington, but not in America. Never identified the American people with a small handful of the political elite in Washington. They put forward all these unsubstantiated allegations. But accusations are not proof. I’ve been giving lectures all over America.

The American people are not tuned to Russian hostility. He treats you with great curiosity.

We have little information about Russia and a positive one at all. The West is making a huge mistake, pursuing a policy towards a country that is no more… Russia reminds me of the mysterious, mysterious and unpredictable woman. And USA — a young man who is accustomed to act quickly. We need you and we — you.


— What would be your advice to today’s negotiators?

— Be guided by common sense. I was very concerned about many of the points in trump. He doesn’t always think before to say something. He has no experience of government, and Putin he’s great. He is disciplined, thinking carefully.

With all my heart I hope that they will find common points. This is extremely important. Miracles do happen.

If Putin asked my advice, I would say: “Be patient. Wait. In Washington there is a struggle”.

P. S. by the Way, with Vladimir Putin Suzanne Massey is familiar with the work of Anatoly Sobchak. After the story about their meeting at the Christmas service in Russia in 2000 (the future President three times, then kissed her) the lady gave homeland a long second nickname: “the only woman kissed Reagan and Putin.”


Suzanne MASSY — American writer, was born in new York in the family of Swiss diplomats. The author of the bestselling “Nicholas and Alexandra”, “Pavlovsk. The life of a Russian Palace”, “Land of the Firebird. The beauty of old Russia” and other books about Russian history and culture.

In 1984-1988 — Advisor to U.S. President Ronald Reagan on the Soviet Union.

Founder of the St. Petersburg charity Fund “the Firebird” for children with hemophilia, the founder of the society of friends in the Park, raised money for the restoration of the Royal Palace.

