Modernization of heat supply in the suburbs need to attract more investment funds, said first Deputy Minister of housing and communal services of the region Andrey Laptev. His words are quoted by the TV channel “360” on Tuesday, July 4.
“In the Moscow region the need for investment is about 200 billion rubles only on heat”, he said.
As said the Chairman of the Committee on prices and tariffs of the Moscow region Natalia Ushakova, just in the period from 2015 to 2017 in the modernization of municipal infrastructure in the investment was laid to 7.6 billion rubles, of which 5.5 billion — for heating 2.1 billion — water supply and sanitation.
June 19, Deputy Minister of investments and innovations of the region Vadim Khromov reported that thirteen Italian investors thought about the implementation of investment projects on the territory of the Moscow region after the road show in Milan and Modena.
In early June it became known that Mosoblasti took ninth place in the National rating of investment climate of Russian regions, compiled by the Agency for strategic initiatives (ASI). During the year the suburbs were up by 12 points.