Putin and XI Jinping summarized the results of the talks in the Kremlin

Putin and XI Jinping summarized the results of the talks in the Kremlin

The Russian leader called the visit of China Central event of the year for countries and noted the “impressive momentum” of the development of relations between Moscow and Beijing.

MOSCOW, 4 Jul — RIA Novosti. In the Kremlin have passed negotiations of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and President XI Jinping. The results of the meeting leaders have failed at a joint press conference.

A day earlier, they met at an informal dinner in the Kremlin. On Tuesday, went full-fledged negotiations on the basis of which the parties adopted two declarations and signed 40 documents.

Economic cooperation

Putin called the visit of China Central event of the year for countries and noted the “impressive momentum” of the development of relations between Moscow and Beijing.

According to the President, he discussed with the head of China “the whole range of Russian-Chinese relations”.

The key role was played by economic cooperation.

So, the Russian leader spoke about the growth of trade turnover between the two countries.

“Noted, in particular, that the turnover this year, as in the past, continues to grow. In 2016 its volume increased by 4% and amounted to 66 billion dollars, and for the first four months of this year, an increase considerably higher — 37% (24.5 billion dollars)”, — said Putin.

Also, according to him, Gazprom continues to negotiate with Beijing, parameters of gas supply on the Chinese route. The President also noted that the construction of the Russian section of the international transport route “Europe — Western China” is planned to be completed in 2019

Putin promised to support the Chinese project “One belt, one road”, comparing it’s capacities with the joint use of the Northern sea route — the TRANS-Siberian and Baikal-Amur mainline.

Raised by the Russian leader and the subject of agriculture. According to him, Russia will increase the supply of wheat in China, discusses the question of the abolition of restrictions on the import of meat products.

Space and Finance

Special attention was paid to cooperation in high technology areas.

It is a joint space exploration. Preparing the next programme of cooperation in space for the years 2018-2022.Mr Putinprime of the Russian Federation

Also, according to him, Russia and China have agreed to actively develop cooperation in the financial sphere. The President recalled that last year the accumulated direct investment from China increased by twelve percent, reaching $ 2.3 billion.

“I supported the agreement between the Russian direct investment Fund (RDIF) and China development Bank on the establishment of a joint investment Fund with a volume of 65 billion yuan. Agreed to continue consultations on broader use of national currencies in mutual settlements and investment sphere”, — said Putin.

In his opinion, these measures will help open China’s first foreign branch of the Central Bank.

International relations

Important role in the negotiations and took questions of international relations. The President assured that Moscow and Beijing will continue to strengthen cooperation.

One of the foreign policy priorities of Russia and China, Putin called the Korean settlement. According to him, Moscow and Beijing intend to actively promote the overall initiative on solution of Korean crisis.

So, both countries opposed the THAAD missile defense in northeast Asia and agreed on measures to protect their interests in the security sphere.

Beijing and Moscow have called on North Korea to impose a moratorium on tests, but South Korea and the United States to suspend the exercise in the region.

XI Jinping in his turn stressed that China is set to coordination and cooperation with Russia in international Affairs. In particular, for fight against terrorism, settlement in “hot spots” and formation of a new type of relations between the two countries, on the basis of mutually beneficial cooperation.

We will strengthen our coordination and cooperation in the framework of the “big twenty” to promote the growth of the global economy.Si official website PRC

Signed documents

Following the talks, the leaders issued a joint statement on deepening the comprehensive partnership and strategic cooperation and the current situation in the world.

Also was signed the Russian-Chinese Memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the field of development of information space and the bilateral agreement on cooperation in the field of ensuring sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and sanitary protection of the territory.

Company “Rosneft” signed a strategic cooperation agreement with China CEFC energy company (“Huaxin”).

