In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine

In Croatia, the patient shot the psychiatrist from the machine

BELGRADE, 2 Jun — RIA Novosti. Patient Serjan Smojver Sunday was shot from a Kalashnikov psychiatrist Sinisa Rakic on the Croatian island of RAB, the wife of the psychiatrist escaped by jumping from the window, reports the portal of the newspaper Jutarnji list.

The patient and the doctor lived in an apartment house in the village of Barbat on island of RAB in the Adriatic sea. At about 11.00 GMT on Sunday Smojver, according to media reports, killed Rakic of all of the machine, the doctor’s wife escaped by jumping through the window from the second floor. After the gunman barricaded himself in his apartment and stated that he prepared the explosive device.

The Ministry of internal Affairs of the Republic reported the incident, without naming names, without specifying the occupation of the participants in the events.

“On arrival of police the suspect, 1969 year of birth shot them several times with a handgun. The scene cordoned off, caused by a special police unit. Upon the arrival of special forces retrieved the body of a victim in 1966, confirmed his death”, — stated in the message of Ministry of internal Affairs.

According to authorities, the wife of the deceased born in 1963 is safe. With the shooter being negotiated.

