The interior Ministry started to colonize far East migrants and provide them with a channel

The concept of migration policy of Russia in the 2018 to 2020 prepared by the interior Ministry, writes “Kommersant”.

The Ministry, according to the publication, proposes to actively attract immigrants to the far East in the first place the Russians themselves. This is supposed to increase the amount of lifting for the citizens of the country to one million rubles and to create affordable social infrastructure.

The concept involves the transfer of the police Department of the powers of adaptation of newcomers, which, according to the newspaper, also claims the Federal Agency for the Affairs of nationalities (FADH).

To work with came from other countries interior Ministry proposes to create “centers of information and legal support for immigrants” courses and learning the Russian language, but also a special TV channel.

In addition, the Ministry advocates the stimulation of student and academic immigration from abroad. And to those who come from countries with “unstable political situation”, should, according to law enforcement, be treated more differentiated.

Prepared by the interior Ministry, the concept needs to replace the existing, which was adopted in 2012, taking into account the existence of the Federal migration service (office abolished in 2016, and its functions transferred to the Ministry of interior). It is proposed to change the existing system of issuing temporary residence permits and the granting of citizenship of Russia.

In the period from 2012 to 2016, according to the authors of the document, migrants in Russia has doubled in comparison with the 2007-2011 years. Of these, the proportion of resettlement within the country (internal migration) was 88 percent.

