The Consulate reported no Russians among the victims in the club in USA

Russian Consulate in Houston (Texas) reported that no Russian citizens among the victims in the shooting at a nightclub in the us city of little Rock (Arkansas). This is stated in the message of Embassy on Twitter.

“According to the police, Russian citizens were not injured,” wrote the diplomats.

At the same time, Twitter of police of the city of little Rock has reported that the number of victims amounted to 28 people. We mentioned earlier the 17. The lives of all the wounded out of danger, say police.

Shooting in a night club happened on Saturday. As a result, no one died. The youngest of the victims 16 years of age.

The identity of the person who opened fire, not installed.

The police Department of the city in his Twitter said that the cause of the fire was the conflict between the visitors and the incident is not related to terrorism.

