Near entrances of homes ban Smoking



In elevators, common areas and areas outdoors at a distance of less than ten meters from the entrances of apartment buildings ban Smoking.

This will happen if the parliamentarians and the President will approve the bill submitted to the Duma. It sets out these restrictions.

As stated in the explanatory note to the document adopted anti-Smoking law imposed a lot of restrictions on places for Smoking, and it’s pretty strictly enforced. The following is also prohibited to “smoke” on stairways in homes, in the hallways, elevators, basements, near the entrances to stations, airports, metro stations. But at the same time, the law says nothing about not Smoking at the exit from the entrance. However, many people, especially the residents of the first floor, or children with asthma suffer from the fact that people smoke at the entrance to the house. In this regard, and it is proposed to amend the legislation.

