Media reported about the possibility of a UK exit from the EU without negotiation

Theresa may and Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel

Britain may abandon negotiations with the EU on the release of the Kingdom from the Union due to disagreements on the account, which Brussels makes the London. This publication reports The Telegraph, citing a senior official in the government.

According to the newspaper, about such variant of development of events, representatives of the Prime Minister Theresa may warned the British business community. This step can show the “internal market” that Mei does not intend to pay compensation in the amount of more than € 100 billion required by some European politicians, the newspaper writes.

In late may, the media also reported that Mae had warned that the country could leave the EU without signing a special agreement with Brussels. This may be the case if the United Kingdom does not agree with the terms Brexit put forward by the European Union. May also confirmed that it is ready to be an extremely difficult person on the forthcoming negotiations on a Brexit, if necessary.

March 28 Mei signed a letter with the notice of the authorities of the European Union about the formal start of procedure Brexit — the exit from the EU. Negotiations on the terms Brexit will take two years.

The decision to withdraw Britain from the European Union was adopted by referendum on 23 June 2016. The rejection of EU membership was supported by more than half of voters.

