The Pentagon chose to defer acceptance of transgender people in the army

The Ministry of defense for six months delayed the acceptance of transgender persons into the armed forces of the country. The corresponding decision was accepted the head of the Pentagon James Mattis, according to Reuters.

It is noted that the announcement of the lifting of the ban transgender people to serve in the US army was scheduled for 1 July, but now it is postponed to 1 January.

In June 2016, the then Minister of defense Ashton Carter announced the lifting of the ban on military service of transgender people in the U.S. army.

In July 2015, it was reported that the Pentagon has decided to organize a special working group on the subject of the study of how a change imposed on transgender rules that will affect the combat capability of the armed forces. Carter stated that the existing rules of the Ministry of defense regarding sex soldiers obsolete. According to him, the most important in determining the qualifications of the military is the ability and willingness of a person to carry out their work.

In 2010, the U.S. Congress abolished the rule of “don’t ask, don’t tell” (Don’t ask, don’t tell), according to which employees in the armed forces representatives of different sexual orientation were required to hide their belonging to the minorities. The reform has not touched the people who had a sex change, — under the existing rules, they should not openly declare it. Otherwise, they are fired.

