The head of the Balashikha resigned amid the scandal with a dump

Eugene Zhirkov The head of city district Balashikha Eugene Zhirkov wrote a statement of resignation at own will. On Tuesday, June 27, reports TV channel “360” with reference to the press service of the Moscow region government. Acting first Deputy head of administration of city district Balashikha Lily Tadevosyan, said the press service of the Moscow region. On 22 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin tasked the Moscow region authorities to close the landfill, on which he complained to the residents of the houses of one of the districts of Balashikha in a straight line. Citizens living in close proximity to municipal solid waste (MSW) “Kuchino”, said the head of state that the landfill covers an area of 50 hectares. On the same day, the Governor of Moscow region Andrei Vorobyov has ordered to close the landfill. Now it is subject to reclamation, which, according to preliminary estimates will cost four

Putin sent a greeting to participants of “Territory of meaning”

Russian President Vladimir Putin sent a telegram of greetings to the participants of the all-Russian youth educational forum “Territory meanings on the Klyazma”. This was reported on the Kremlin website on Tuesday, June 27. The President noted that the forum attracts every year “more and more boys and girls with an active life, social, civil position”. In his opinion, the organizers have created all the necessary conditions to the participants of “Territory” was able to communicate with famous politicians, scientists and journalists. “And of course you will be able to communicate with their peers from many regions of the country, in a creative and informal atmosphere to discuss your problems”, — the telegram reads. “The territory of meanings-on-Klyaz’ma”, which will be the third in a row, opens on Tuesday. The event involves seven thematic shifts, the last of them will end August 20. The organizers of the forum is the

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine

With the explosion of a car in Kiev killed the commander of the special forces intelligence service of Ukraine In Kiev on the morning of 27 June blew up a car, the driver, who was in it died. The victim was a special forces commander of the Main Directorate of the defense Ministry of Ukraine Maksym Shapoval. Police are investigating the incident as a terrorist attack. In a car bombing in Solomenskiy district of Kiev killed one of the leaders of the intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of defense of Ukraine Maxim Shapoval. About this newspaper “Ukrainian truth” reported in the defense Ministry, in law enforcement and stated the sources. The deceased was chief of the reserve intelligence Directorate of the Ukrainian defense Ministry, clarifies the issue “Strenia” with reference to sources in law enforcement bodies. The victim’s identity was established after the discovery of the explosion of the business

Police confirmed the death of the driver exploded in Kiev “Mercedes”

Police confirmed the death of the driver exploded in Kiev “Mercedes” Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — Main Directorate of the National police of Ukraine in Kiev confirmed the death of a man in a car bomb explosion in Solomenskiy district of Kiev on Tuesday morning. “8:16 the police received that at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and Alekseevskaya exploded the car “Mercedes”… as a result of the accident killed the driver,” said Department of communication of the police of Kiev. Earlier, local media reported that the explosion in the car one person was killed and two others injured. City portal “Kiev Operational” noted that the incident occurred in the morning at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and machine Operators. According to the online publication “” in the time of the explosion the driver was in the cabin. “Parts of the car scattered around the perimeter of 100 meters and hit

With the explosion of a car in Kiev suffered people

With the explosion of a car in Kiev suffered people Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — on Tuesday morning in Solomenskiy district of Kiev, a car exploded, causing casualties, according to the city web-portal “Kiev Operational”. “A strong explosion occurred this morning at the intersection of streets Solomenskaya and machine Operators. The details are still being investigated. It is known only that there are victims”, — stated in the message. It is also reported that because of the incident blocked traffic.

The foreign Ministry said that Moscow has developed a plan to address the problem of North Korea

The foreign Ministry said that Moscow has developed a plan to address the problem of North Korea MOSCOW, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Moscow has developed a “road map” solution to the problem of North Korea ready to discuss it with partners, said RIA Novosti Deputy foreign Minister Igor Morgulov. “In order to avoid such a scenario we have developed and are ready to discuss with partners a set of practical measures, a kind of road map, whose ultimate goal is the formation in North-East Asia of lasting peace mechanism with the simultaneous decision of problems of the Peninsula, including its denuclearisation,” said Morgulov. In early June, the UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution expanding sanctions against North Korea in connection with the ongoing rocket launches. The list includes several individuals and four legal entities: missile troops, trading companies and a Bank. The last launch was conducted on June

In the administration Poroshenko disclosed details of the “formula Rules”

In the administration Poroshenko disclosed details of the “formula Rules” Moscow. June 27. INTERFAX.RU — President of France Emmanuel macron suggested that the leaders of the countries-participants of the Normandy format (Ukraine, Germany, France, Russia) to agree on concrete practical steps towards implementation of the Minsk agreements, said the Deputy head of the presidential administration of Ukraine Konstantin Eliseev. “Today, it is agreed that in the near future, preferably before the summit of “twenty” (G-20, held on 7-8 July — if), to hold a telephone conference of the leaders of the “Norman format” with the participation of leaders of the OSCE SMM. It is expected that the conversation the leaders should be practical, thoroughly prepared and aimed at effectively addressing the pressing problems in the field of security in the Donbass,” — said Elisha to “Interfax”, summarizing the results of negotiations of presidents of Ukraine and France in Paris. He

Three CNN journalist fired for article on the relationship of the tramp with Russia

Three CNN journalist fired for article on the relationship of the tramp with Russia WASHINGTON, 27 Jun — RIA Novosti. Three staff members of CNN, resigned in the Wake of the scandal article about the alleged connections of staff of the President of Donald trump and his adviser Anthony of Scaramucci with the Russian Fund RDIF, according to CNN. Thomas Frank, Eric Lichtblau and Lex Haris resigned in connection with a story posted on the CNN website, the channel reports. “After the removal of the stories published on the channel has accepted the resignation of employees who had a relation to the publication history,” — said the TV channel. Thomas Frank was an investigator for CNN, was in charge of the investigations division Lex Haris is a veteran of CNN who worked on the channel since 2001. Eric Lichtblau (Pulitzer prize winner for his work in The New York

The authorities of Transbaikalia have found an apartment complained to Putin woman

The authorities of Transbaikalian edge have provided one-bedroom apartment in Chita single mother Natalia Kalinina from the burned in 2015 Shiviya village, which is in the direct line with President of Russia Vladimir Putin complained that he had received uninhabitable housing. About it RIA Novosti said the head of the press service of the Governor of the region Elena Nazarova. According to her, Kalinina chosen apartment on the street, people’s square is 45.2 square meters. As said the head of Department Alexey Hosoi, housing provided under the contract of uncompensated use before time of registration of ownership of Zabaykalsky Krai in the apartment. In the next apartment will be provided Kalinina under the contract of social hiring. Kalinin on 15 June during a straight line President said that after the fires, 2015, destroyed the house, the local government gave her the house appeared uninhabitable. She also said that her daughter

NATO expressed concern about the growing military power of Russia

Peter Paul NATO was faced with the desire of Russia to increase its military capacity “on virtually every level,” said the Chairman of the military Committee of the Alliance General Petr Pavel. His words leads edition of Politico. According to him, the threat assessment is based on two elements — the possibility and intention. Thus, when talking about the possibilities, the “no doubt” that Russia is developing its capacity in both conventional and nuclear components of the weapons, the General said. According to Paul, when talking about exercises, there is no doubt that Russia’s ability to deploy forces at long distances and use them effectively far enough from its territory. “When it comes to intentions, there is no such understanding, because we can’t clearly say that Russia has aggressive intentions against NATO,” added Paul. However, he noted the increasing military presence of Russia and referred to reports on the placement