In a Mexican prison, found a pit of drugs and alcohol

In a prison in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas, the police found a stash of drugs, alcohol and sharp instruments, which was a hole dug a five-meter depth. On Monday, may 15, reports BBC News.

According to the guards, it was an unfinished tunnel. The warehouse is found through the use of special geothermal equipment — the entrance was bricked up and disguised. Police are searching for a new Yam.

Through a tunnel a mile-long July 12, 2015, from prison “El Altiplano” ran one of the most famous drug lords of the country — Joaquim Guzman, nicknamed Shorty. In March 2016, he asked about extradition to the US, hoping to transfer to prison normal mode and the commutation of sentence. 20 January it became known that he had given to the authorities of the United States.

