The defense Ministry introduces the name “Shock” for the best teams

The defense Ministry introduces the name “Shock” for the best teams

The most efficient connections and military units assigned the name “Shock”, said the head of the Main Directorate of combat training of Russian Armed forces Lieutenant-General Ivan Buvala.

“Name “Percussion” will be assigned by order of the Minister of defence of the Russian Federation the most capable combat units: infantry, tank, Marines, airborne, air assault, and military units. They will be awarded the distinctive heraldic sign”, the article says Buvaltseva published in the newspaper “Red star”.

He noted that commanders of military districts, branches of the armed forces presented for the title drum 78 units, military units and connections.

“The final decision about assignment of a rank of the shock will be made after verification of these units and commissions of the Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation, which will be held during the month of may,” wrote General.

The General also said that the Armed forces operate 16 centers of combat training. The increased intensity of training interventions in them in 2017 testifies to their relevance and effectiveness. For winter 2017 school year, these centers prepared more than 5 thousand troops, which is 12.7% more than in the same period of 2016, more than 1,000 crews (settlement), which is 40% more than in the winter training period last year.

