The court forbade the master to walk that bit the boy’s buttock lioness Maya

The Engels district court of Saratov region has banned the owner to walk the lioness, who previously attacked the teenager. Therefore, the requirement of local authorities is granted. It is reported by RIA Novosti.

“[The court] has decided to ban Ereano the Energy G. to carry out a range of wild animal — lioness Maya — the common areas,” the judge read out the operative part of the decision.

The motivation part will be prepared by may 16. Then within a month the decision may be appealed.

In April, the lioness pounced on a 15-year-old boy on one of the Central streets of Engels. The student was taken to hospital with a diagnosis of “bitten wound of the buttocks, thighs and right hand”. Injuries were not serious. The administration of the Engels district filed a lawsuit to the owner of Maya banning the walking of a wild animal in the common areas.

Pending before the court is the petition of Prosecutor’s office which demanded to take away the lioness from the owner due to the fact that she is being kept in improper conditions. According to the protection of Aroana, now the predator lives in the house on International street, where he has an aviary. The meeting is scheduled for may 22.

