Medvedev told about the revival of the psychology of a leader

Dmitry Medvedev

Russia has all opportunities to become one of the leading technological powers in the world. This was stated by Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev at the meeting of the investment forum “Sochi-2017” on Monday, February 27, the correspondent “”.

“Russia has all the components to become one of the leading technological countries of the world: intellectual capacity, resources, and most importantly, we were able recently to revive, is the psychology of a leader. A leader who has repeatedly proven he can make the best products in the world,” said the Prime Minister.

He called it unacceptable that talented professionals are moving abroad, since not see prospects for career development in Russia. “Export” intelligence does not make money, make it impossible, said Medvedev.

“It’s not just wasteful. This is unacceptable in relation to their own country”, — concluded the Prime Minister.

In early December 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that its technology is necessary for Russia to ensure its independence. The Russian leader noted that their development “are radically changing production, financing and banking processes”.

