Olga Vasilyeva
The Minister of education Olga Vasilyeva said that high school graduates must pass the compulsory exam on the history of Russia, reports TASS.
“This issue requires discussion, but a person can not, after 11 years of training, do not know its history,” she said.
In November 2016 Vasilyev supported the initiative of introduction of obligatory unified state exam in geography.
In August of the same year, the head of the Ministry of education stated that the current examination system needs to be revised. “We have to see what is really going on, to take the best, discard what is not worth taking on, and go forward,” — said Vasilyev.
Beginning in 2009, high school graduates pass the two required final exams: Russian language and mathematics. While this 11th grader must obtain a rating not below established by Rosobrnadzor. Also, students independently chose to take the exam several subjects required for admission to the University.