In Delaware, the prisoners took hostage the prison staff

In the us state of Delaware, the prisoners took hostages, reports Associated Press.

In the morning, the correctional officer inside one of the buildings, gave a signal of help, he responded to some of his colleagues. As a result, five workers were captured by rebellious criminals.

One of the hostages the prisoners released four hours later. He was hospitalized with injuries that do not pose a threat to life. Did anyone else injury is still unknown.

Officials are conducting negotiations with the prisoners. “We are doing everything possible to ensure the safety of all participants and to use all available resources”, — said journalists the representative of police of staff Richard Braz.

One of the prisoners said that the reason that prompted them to go for it, was the policy of the new President of Donald trump. “We know that the institution will change for the worse,” he said. He also added that the prisoners want they were given the possibility of effective rehabilitation as one of the priorities of the calling education for persons in prison. In addition, inmates need to provide them with information how to distribute the money allocated to the correctional facility.

About the correctional center there are dozens of police officers and vehicles. All the rest of the state prison is transferred to a special security regime.

Only in prison, which is the largest in the state men’s correctional institution contained about 2.5 thousand prisoners. How many of them are involved in the incident is unknown.

