Experts have confirmed sekatskii past Walesa

Lech Walesa

The head of the Commission for the investigation of crimes against the Polish nation Andrzej Pozerski confirmed that the former President of Poland and leader of the opposition Solidarity trade Union, Lech Walesa for many years he was a secret informant of state security. It is reported by Rzeczpospolita.

According to Pozharskogo, handwriting examination found that the agreement to cooperate with state security pnrm., dated December 21, 1970, and 17 receipts of money and several denunciations written by Lech Walesa, who was quoted in the documents of the secret police under the name Bolek.

The study of archival documents held in connection with the statement of Walesa, who argued that these documents are forged.

As explained Pozorski, experts have not found in the submissions of the signs of forgery or other interference.

Former Polish leader repeatedly accused of collaborating with the secret services. The first suspect appeared in the 1990s, when it was discovered the documents about the “agent Bolek,” the entree into the highest circles of the opposition. In 2000, the court held that evidence that Walesa Bolek is not enough. But then the handwriting experts refused to conduct the examination, as there were only copies of incriminating documents.

On February 22 last year, the Institute of national remembrance of Poland gave in his reading room access materials indicating that the agent past the former head of state. The head (INP) łukasz kamiński said that the folder with incriminating evidence was discovered in the house of the deceased Czeslaw Kisaka, which in the 1980-ies served as Minister of internal Affairs of the country.

