Crimean Minister Natalia Goncharova will try to pass the exam in Russian language

Natalia Goncharova

The Minister of education, science and youth of the Republic of Crimea Natalia Goncharova, will participate in the nationwide “Day of exam the parents.” On Monday, January 30, reported on the website of the regional office.

The aim of the event is to introduce parents of students and representatives of mass media with the procedure of the unified state examination, said the Ministry.

Action in the form of the exam on the Russian language will be held on February 8 at the secondary school in Simferopol.

In November last year the Minister of defence and the President of the Russian geographical society (RGS) Sergei Shoigu criticized the Russians for the low level of knowledge in the field of geography and praised them “for about three with a minus”. In late October, the head of Rosobrnadzor Sergey Kravtsov announced the introduction of a new model of the exam in literature, which stipulates that the exam will be composed entirely of creative tasks.

