The defense Ministry has accused the West of attempts to falsify Russian history



The leading countries of the West are still trying to falsify the history of Russia with the purpose of discrediting her as the successor of the USSR, declared to the Deputy chief of the Military Academy of the General staff of the Armed forces of Russia the General-Lieutenant Sergey Charkov. “Recent events show that Russia and its people became the objects of open information-psychological war with the leading countries of the Western world,” he said, noting that the falsification of history is part of it, and pursues the goal of “impact on the historical consciousness of Russians and their historical memory”, RIA “Novosti”.

He noted that the West is also trying to undermine Russia’s potential through the formation of public opinion within the country that rejects the most important public historical value.

As an example he cited the work of the parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, which in 2009 adopted a resolution equating the roles of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in the outbreak of the Second world war. In addition, he recalled that in 2010 the European Parliament adopted a resolution, which equated fascism and communism, and urge Russia to engage in a dialogue on the historical problems with the “democratic countries” of Eastern Europe.

“The activities are aimed at the justification of the legality of the West’s policy of containment of Russia, and also for the presentation of her as the successor to the USSR, various claims and demands for moral and sometimes material compensation for “damage” – added Charkov.

In his opinion, the fight against counterfeiting is a task not only military and government offices, but the people of Russia in General.

“This is especially true of attempts to distort our country’s role in the victory over fascism”, – said Lieutenant General.

He urged to remember the atrocities of the Nazis and their collaborators in Ukraine, and also about a friendly meeting of the Soviet, American and British soldiers on the Elbe. And historical materials, he said, need to show “fully truthful”, bringing them to youth and total population.

He said this during the conference “history of the great Patriotic war 1941-1945: truth and fiction” in Moscow.

At the end of October the experts of the scientific Council of the security Council (SC) to discuss preparations for the 100th anniversary of the great Russian revolution in 2017 proposed to establish a state center for the fight against falsification of history.

