Trump was sworn in as the 45th President of the USA

Donald Tramploline: trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the people

In Washington near the Capitol, the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump. Before him were sworn, Vice-President Mike Pence. Live webcast of the event leads the TV channel “Russia 24”.

Trump took the oath on two Bibles. The first was given to his mother in 1955 in honor of the Sunday school, and the second belonged to the 16th US President Abraham Lincoln.

The ceremony is attended by over 800 thousand people.

After the inauguration, the President will take part in a celebratory lunch with senators and congressmen, and then will take a ceremonial parade and together with the first lady Melania trump will attend a few balls.

Since mid-January in different U.S. cities held protests against trump. For example, on January 19 in new York city near owned by billionaire Trump Tower skyscraper held a public event with the participation of mayor bill De Blasio, as well as such well-known actors and Actresses like Robert De Niro, Alec Baldwin, Julianne Moore and Marisa Tomei. 17 Jan protester attempted to set fire to himself near the hotel Trump International Hotel on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington.

