In Ufa opened a case because crawling up the stairs in the hospital women

In Ufa opened a criminal case on the fact of violations at the hospital where the patient with the injured foot had to crawl up the stairs to the second floor, according to the website of the investigative Department of the TFR in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The case was opened under part 1 of article 238 of the criminal code (“performance of works or rendering services not meeting safety requirements”).

“According to investigators, in the period from 2011 to 2017 yet unidentified person in the premises of the polyclinic Department №1 city clinical hospital №13 of the city of Ufa were not provided in the clinic working Elevator equipment, designed for the conveyance of patients, including people with limited mobility, on the floors”, — stated in the message of management.

It is clarified that due to data breaches in the clinic 55-year-old patient with a fracture of the left leg had to get to the second floor with a risk to life and health.

12 January, the head physician of the hospital was dismissed by decision of the head of Bashkiria Rustem Khamitov. According to him, the head of the medical institution within two years “under various pretexts, he evaded the question of commissioning of the lift.”

Earlier in January, the regional Prosecutor’s office began checking recent media information that the polyclinic №1 city clinical hospital №13 the woman, after the operation move only with the help of a Walker, had to crawl up the stairs on x-ray. A special Cabinet in the clinic is on the second floor, the Elevator is not working, and ramps, and wheelchairs available. It was noted that the medical staff has not tried to help patient.

Video: Ksenia Bashinform / YouTube

