In the state Duma commented on the idea to hold a parade APU on red square

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on nationalities Mikhail Starshinov commented on the statement by Ukrainian MP Andriy Teteruk about the APU, which supposedly will hold a parade on red square, writes about this “Tape”.


“Unfortunately, there are always people that have a sick imagination. This is nonsense! Russian language is rich, capacious. I think it describes someone who speaks and what he speaks,” said petty.


In addition, the elders reminded the Ukrainian Deputy that in Russia such statements are heard repeatedly about “the victorious Ukrainian army” is also heard.


Earlier, the Ukrainian MP Teteruk said on air of channel “112”, the parade of the APU in the main square of Moscow will be “relevant”. How the Ukrainian army will achieve the possibility of conducting a parade on red square, Teeruk did not elaborate, but said sure.

Video: 112 Ukraine / YouTube

Photo: ZUMAPRESS / Globallookpress

