Ukrainian MP disrupted the live talk show, calling the Maidan coup

Ukrainian MP from the Opposition bloc Oleksandr Vilkul disrupted the live political program “Black mirror”. Speaking about the Maidan, he called the events a revolution and a coup. Details of the reports “Press Ukraine“.   The discussion revolved around the personality of former President Viktor Yanukovych and events of winter 2013-2014.   “Let’s be honest: in our country after the revolution was the manipulation. Promised Europe, European values, Lacy panties and anything else interesting, and in fact we’re going nowhere and life becomes worse and worse,” said Vilkul.   This statement caused indignation from the audience. Opponents of the Deputy began to object to him in a raised voice, but most of them got up and left the Studio in protest.   “Alexander, I am ungrateful to You for what You really tore the air,” – concluded the leader. Video: EnegoMovie/YouTube

The court arrested the Executive Director, “Roscosmos” Evdokimova

The court arrested the Executive Director, “Roscosmos” Evdokimova MOSCOW, 1 Dec — RIA Novosti. Basmanny court of Moscow on Thursday arrested two months the Executive Director of the Russian space Agency for the control of quality and reliability, Vladimir Yevdokimov, accused of fraud at 200 million rubles, the correspondent of RIA Novosti news from the courtroom. Under article about swindle in especially large size top Manager faces up to 10 years imprisonment. According to investigators, he committed fraud in the amount of not less than 200 million rubles with the property of RSK MiG, while himself guilty Evdokimov thinks. The investigator said that dancing makes sense to put in jail, because he may be hiding abroad, as the other defendants in the case, especially abroad he has the property. See also“In especially large size”: high-profile corruption scandals in figures The accused said that he voluntarily testified and cooperated with the

Hawking proclaimed offensive “the most dangerous time on the planet”

Hawking proclaimed offensive “the most dangerous time on the planet” British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking believes that now is “the most dangerous time for our planet.” Column of academic with the appropriate title was published by the Guardian. In the publication of the physicist drew attention to the growing gap between the elites, particularly politicians, and middle and working class. See alsoStephen Hawking has proposed a new description of black holes In his opinion, robotization of production, lack of need for large human resources to increase profits lead to misunderstanding between various groups in society. “The Internet and platforms that do this (accelerating economic inequality — approx. “Of the”) possible, allow a very small group of people reap huge profits while hiring a very small number of people. It is inevitable, this is progress, but it is also socially destructive,” writes the scientist. The result of the fact that

The government channel broadcasts the US aired Putin’s speech

The government channel broadcasts the US aired Putin’s speech WASHINGTON, 2 Dec — RIA Novosti. Specializing in broadcast speeches of key politicians in the United States and other English-speaking countries to the American channel C-SPAN aired a half-hour segment of the message of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin to the Russian Parliament. C-SPAN traditionally transmits live broadcasts of the US Congress, the President and senior U.S. officials, and the governments of UK, Australia and Canada. Putin delivered his annual address to the Federal Assembly in the Kremlin on 1 December. Recording of Putin started before starting the stream from the meeting elected President of Donald trump in Ohio. Usually in this case the screen displays only the caption “the Program will start soon”. Channels C-SPAN and C-SPAN 2 are basic, and C-SPAN 3 additional packages of all the cable networks USA. Programs can be taken also in the satellite

Medvedev has demanded to extinguish debts under the salary

Dmitry Medvedev Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev instructed the departments to assess the situation with payment of wages and to take measures on repayment of debts. This was reported on the government website on Saturday, December 3. Instructions were given to the Ministry of industry and trade, Ministry of energy, Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of construction, Ministry of transportation, Ministry of communications, Ministry of defense, Ministry of education, Ministry of health and the Ministry of culture. They should assess the situation with payment of wages in organizations of the respective types of economic activity. As noted in the message, in cases where debt is necessary to “make arrangements for repayment, including the application of measures of responsibility for heads of the organizations concerned”. The results of work done by the agencies required to report until January 25, 2017. Separately Medvedev instructed the government of Zabaykalsky region to pay off

China protested the trump conversation with the head of Taiwan

Donald Trump The foreign Ministry of China made hard performance, USA after us President-elect, Donald trump talked on the phone with the head of administration of Taiwan Cai Inven. On Saturday, December 3, reports BBC News. As the newspaper notes, despite the fact that diplomatic relations between Taiwan and the United States were severed in 1979, in a conversation trump and Invent was referred to the close economic and political ties and cooperation in the security sphere. Beijing urged Washington to “cautiously and properly handle the Taiwan issue to avoid useless problems in Sino-American relations.” A source in the administration of the current President of the United States Barack Obama announced that the White house found out about the conversation after it took place. The press Secretary of the national security of the United States, Ned Price said that the policy of the current leadership of the United States regarding

Named the new version the cause of the crash of “Progress”

The wreck of the space truck “Progress MC-04” could happen due to technical problems on Board the ship. About it to Agency “Interfax” said a source at the Baikonur cosmodrome. Previously the main version of the accident was considered to be a problem on the launch vehicle.   According to the source, due to the emergency situation on Board the ship could occur premature separation from the third stage. Because of this, the space ship went into orbit.   The spokesman added that after the separation of the third stage of the ship opened up part of the external elements such as antennas. While solar panels remain closed.   “There is evidence that the vehicle has been in an uncontrollable spin and was able to,” added the source.   At the same time until the loss of telemetry on 383 seconds all systems of the rocket worked in normal mode.

The Russian Embassy in Nigeria confirmed the pirates capture Russian sailors

The Russian Embassy in Nigeria confirmed the pirates capture Russian sailors Moscow. 1 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Russian Embassy in Nigeria confirmed the capture of Nigerian pirates three Russian seamen from a vessel “Saronic Gulf breeze”, reported “Interfax” the press attache of the Russian Embassy in Nigeria Artem Romanov. According to the diplomat, about the seizure of sailors became known yesterday evening. “For the purposes of safety of life of seafarers to give more specific information at this stage is not possible”, — he said. As reported, the Greek ship “the Saronic Gulf breeze” under the Panamanian flag with 18 Russians and two citizens of Ukraine were seized by pirates on November 29 off the coast of Benin.

Created the world’s first map of the archaeological heritage of Russia

Created the world’s first map of the archaeological heritage of Russia Scientists of the Institute of archaeology (IA) RAS has developed and launched a geographic information system “Archaeological monuments of Russia” — the country’s first electronic map, containing data on more than 15 thousand objects. The results of the research presented in the journal “Russian archaeology”, stated in the press release received by the editors”.ru”. See alsoUnderground storage of automobiles of the 1930-ies discovered in France Attempts to create national registers of archaeological sites were undertaken in European countries since the beginning of the XIX century, today they exist in Austria, Hungary, Poland, France, while, for example, in Germany and in the UK there is no centralised databases, and information is dispersed to the regional registries. Since 2014 the group under the supervision of the Director of IO RAS Nikolai Makarov began to create the basis for national electronic archaeological