Roskomnadzor issued a warning to The New Times for swearing

Roskomnadzor issued a warning to The New Times for swearing Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Roskomnadzor issued a warning to the editorial Board and the founder network edition (“New times”) for use of foul language, according to the Agency. The warning indicates that we are talking about the material “Feelings are at all, and every man must answer for it”, November 21, 2016. In this article the following quote, which uses attributable to a swearing word, it’s a letter. The office requires to edit the material within ten days of receipt of official warnings. See alsoRoskomnadzor officially clarified the use of the name “Islamic state” 1 February 2016, it became known that at the end of January Roskomnadzor issued a warning to the magazine The New Times for the mention of the “Right sector” without specifying that it is prohibited in Russia. April 12, the world court of Presnensky

Saratov oblast has moved to a new time zone

Saratov oblast Sunday, December 4, moved to a new time zone. Now the time difference with Moscow is plus one hour. About this TASS said the Chairman of the Public chamber of area Alexander Lando. According to him, the decision to transfer the arrows on an hour forward was preceded by a long discussion. “There were a lot of opinions. However, about 70 percent of the residents voted for the measure. And today, the region moved to a new time zone +1 hour Moscow time,” — said Lando, stressing that this decision will help to extend daylight hours and will have a positive impact on the wellbeing and health of residents. On 11 November the state Duma approved the bill about the transfer time in the Saratov region forward an hour. The document was adopted in the second and third final readings. Thus, the region is assigned to the third

The media learned about the trump consideration of a candidate for the post of Secretary of state

Jon Huntsman Among the possible contenders for the post of Secretary of state in the administration of President-elect Donald trump entered the former Governor of Utah, Republican Jon huntsman. This writes The Salt Lake Tribune. According to two people close to the transitional administration, trump has expanded the list, first of which consisted of former new York mayor Rudolph Giuliani and former candidate for the US presidency from the Republican party MITT Romney. Among others, consider the candidature of Hatsman and former CIA Director David Petraeus. It is known that the huntsman previously served as Ambassador to China and fluent in Chinese language. On 18 November it became known that trump has decided on candidates for key positions in his administration. So, the attorney General will be the Senator from Alabama Jeff and Roman sessions, the Director of the CIA offered to the Congressman from Kansas, Mike Pompeo. The question

Syrian army has eliminated the commander of the militants in Aleppo

In Aleppo, Syria killed the commander of the combined forces of gangs Abdel Rahman Nur. It is reported TASS with reference to the channel District. According to the representative of military information services at the operational headquarters of government forces, Rahman Nur has been eliminated during the operation of the Syrian army.   Abdul Rahman Noor was a leader of the so-called army of Aleppo – a coalition of armed groups composed of terrorists “Dzhebhat Fath al-sham” (the former banned in Russia grouping “dzhebhat an-Nusra”).   It is noted that now the terrorists retreated deep into the Eastern neighborhoods of Aleppo, and fighting under the overall command.   Currently, the city is a humanitarian operation that do not stop the regular attacks of the militants. Blocked by terrorists districts of Aleppo left several thousand civilians. Almost half of the evacuees were children. Photo: Bassem Tellawi / ZUMAPRESS / globallookpress

Further information on the site of the wreckage of “Progress”

Further information on the site of the wreckage of “Progress” The wreckage of a cargo spacecraft “Progress” fell in the 60-70 kilometers West of the city of Kyzyl in Tuva. About it RIA Novosti said a source in the space industry. “The impact area sparsely populated, the terrain is mountainous and wooded. In accordance with the regulations on cooperation between ministries and agencies in case of accidents during launches from Baikonur conducted the informing of emergency situations of the accident and the alleged impact area, as well as the interaction with the Federal service”, — he said. Read also“Progress” summed up the third stage of a Soyuz Messages about destructions and victims did not arrive, eyewitnesses reported that they saw a “meteor shower”. The Siberian regional emergency center tasked to monitor the situation. It is established that the accident occurred during the work of engines of the third stage. The

Putin told about the cancellation in Omsk, the rock Opera “Jesus Christ superstar”

Putin told about the cancellation in Omsk, the rock Opera “Jesus Christ superstar” Vladimir Medinsky said that the Ministry of culture has nothing to do with the banning of the show. Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed to deal with the situation surrounding the cancellation in Omsk, the rock Opera “Jesus Christ superstar”. See alsoMedina said the lack of censorship in Russia During the meeting of the Council under RF President on culture and art and the presidential Council on the Russian language, the artistic Director of the “State theatre of Nations” Yevgeny Mironov raised the issue regarding the ban of performances and exhibitions. In particular, he said that one of the last of such cases was a ban of the play “Jesus Christ superstar” in Omsk. “This show is already about 30 or 40 years, he successfully goes in the world and is well under

In Ukraine Ivan Okhlobystin was accused of “creating a terrorist group”

In Ukraine Ivan Okhlobystin was accused of “creating a terrorist group” Moscow. 2 Dec. INTERFAX.RU — the Representative of security Service of Ukraine Elena Gitlyanskaya told about excitation of criminal case against Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin, which Ukrainian security services accused of “forming a terrorist group”. The reason for the initiation of the case became “public support Okhlobystin ideas “Russian world”, the joyous greeting of “Russian spring” in Ukraine”, statements in support of the self-proclaimed DND, “aggression against Ukraine from the Russian Federation” and the annexation of Crimea to Russia, it follows from the record Galanski in Facebook. Gitlyanskaya recalled that recently the party received a “passport DNR” and promised that the self-proclaimed education “through a propaganda character, through the implementation of appropriate projects”. Ivan Okhlobystin received the passport of the citizen of the DNI — Zakharchenko Dni ?? (@News_NewRussia) November 30, 2016 Okhlobystin denied entry to Ukraine from

Matvienko: U.S. elections showed that the American people want change.

Valentina Matvienko © Anton novoderezhkin/TASS MOSCOW, December 3. /TASS/. Win Donald trump on the US presidential election demonstrates the desire of the American people to change Washington’s approach to world order. This opinion was expressed by the speaker of the Federation Council Valentina Matviyenko in the program “Vesti on Saturday with Sergei Brilev” on TV channel “Russia 1”. “Indeed, international relations and world order require fundamental changes. And talking about it is not only politicians, statesmen and businessmen, but also people of their vote says that we can no longer live”, she said. Earlier, the head of the Federation Council also has expressed hope to improve relations Russia and the USA after coming to the White house the new American administration. “We hope that with the arrival of a new President, at least judging by his pre-election words, we have the opportunity to restore normal cooperation,” she said at the

In Smolensk from the train from Moscow took 16 poisoned children

In Smolensk was hospitalized 16 teenagers, who were traveling on the bullet train Moscow — Kaliningrad. About it reports on Saturday, December 3, the Moscow interregional investigative management on transport SKR. According to him, children aged 11 to 17 were taken to the infectious Department of a hospital in the city. They showed signs of acute intestinal infection. Five more teenagers to be hospitalized did not. As noted, the children in the group of 79 people were returning after sightseeing in the capital. They are the residents and students of educational institutions of Kaliningrad. The Department of transport has initiated preliminary examination of the incident. The results will be a procedural decision. As reported TASS the head of the Bryansk investigatory Department on transport Anatoly Korpachev, the food in the train students is not allowed. “The children were fed in Moscow, presumably in “mu-Mu”. But it now turns out,” he