The defense Ministry is outraged by the ICRC assessment of the fact of the shelling of the hospital of Russia in Syria

The official representative of the defense Ministry, major-General Igor Konashenkov said that in the military are outraged as the international Committee of the red cross appreciated the fact of bombardment of the Russian hospital in Syria, reports TASS.   “It is not only “a violation of international law” or the gravest crime. It’s always the “moment of truth”. In relation to such crimes know who you are dealing with. So it’s not about violation of the “parties of conflict” international humanitarian law, as stated in the ICRC. And premeditated, cold-blooded murder of doctors by fighters”, – said Konashenkov.   He also noted that the death of any medics who assist injured civilians, including children, in any conflict must be assessed only one point of view. And recalled that the ICRC is well aware, what are you doing medics in Syria.   According to Konashenkov, a great luck that at this

Five children injured in accidents in Ugra, are in serious condition

Five children injured in accidents in Ugra, are in serious condition MOSCOW, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. Among the 23 hospitalized after a major accident — five children who are in serious condition, said on Sunday RIA Novosti a source in the emergency services of the region. “Of the 23 victims were hospitalized, five are in serious condition, the condition of 18 is estimated as moderate severity”, — said the source. According to him, all five patients in serious condition are children. According to the Ural regional center of EMERCOM of the Russian Federation, from 23 hospitalized — 20 children. As previously reported, on the route Tyumen — Khanty-Mansiysk collided with a bus, a truck and two cars. According to local authorities, the bus was carrying children team, which returned from the competition in sports acrobatics from Khanty-Mansiysk to Surgut. According to the Prosecutor of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous district, the

Set the origin of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

Set the origin of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem Archaeologists have found the origin of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, where according to the legend, after the crucifixion he was buried, Jesus Christ. This publication reports The Independent. The contents of the tomb is, according to archaeologist Fredrik Hibert from National Geographic, “a clear proof that the place of worship of modern pilgrims do is the same tomb that the Roman Emperor Constantine I (or rather, his mother — approx. “Of the”) found in the IV century”. See alsoArcheologists opened the tomb of Christ After archaeologists raised a white marble slab covering the coffin, they found a shelf of limestone, which, probably, lay the body of Jesus Christ. Also in the tomb, scientists found a second marble slab, previously unknown to researchers, which, in their opinion, in the XII century crusaders engraved cross. Archaeologists found marble tile was grey,

Putin responded to the accident with 12 dead at Khanty-Mansi

Putin responded to the accident with 12 dead at Khanty-Mansi The President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a telephone conversation with the Governor of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Ugra Natalia Komarova in connection with an event of a major accident, which killed 12 people. This was reported by press Secretary of the President Dmitry Peskov, reports “Interfax”. Putin expressed his condolences to the bereaved families and instructed the Governor to give all necessary assistance to the relatives of the victims and to the victims. In addition, the President heard the report of the head of Ministry of health Veronica Skvortsova and instructed the Ministry to provide medical aid to the wounded at the proper level.

Putin will take part in the IX Congress of judges of the Russian Federation, which will discuss progress in judicial reform

© Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, 6 Dec. /TASS/. The President of Russia Vladimir Putin will take part in the opening in Moscow of the IX all-Russian Congress of judges. The Congress of judges, which meets every four years to discuss the state and prospects of development of the judicial system. The Congress will take part 780 delegates – representatives of Supreme courts, courts of General jurisdiction, arbitration and military courts, magistrates and statutory courts of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

The state Duma will be asked to allow emergency and ambulance to RAM parked cars

The car for emergencies and ambulance it is necessary to allow the RAM incorrectly parked cars to call for the courts. How to write on Tuesday, December 6, “Izvestia”, with this initiative we intend to address members of Public chamber (OP) on December 7 at the hearing on this issue. Deputy Chairman of Commission OP on security, leader of the public movement “the stop boor” Dmitry Chugunov said the publication, which often arrived on-call operational services are unable to get to the right address because of randomly parked cars in emergency situations fraught with death. “Car emergency and ambulance must be able to pass freely into the courts, including ramming the cars parked with violations and impede passage,” said Irons, adding that the damage in such situations should cover insurance companies, and ultimately the owners blocked the passage of vehicles. Following discussions with the members of OP, MPs and representatives

Kerry spoke about his first meeting with Soviet soldiers

John Kerry U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry spoke about how at a young age in the mid-1950s years traveling through East Germany met Soviet soldiers. His speech in Berlin at the ceremony of awarding him the order “For merits before Federal Republic of Germany” published on the website of the US state Department. According to Kerry, at the age of 12 without supervision of parents sent him from Frankfurt to West Berlin in the military echelon, which had to cross GDR territory. “We were not allowed to raise the blinds, but I still did it. I had six cans of Pepsi-Cola and a few comics that I bought in Frankfurt. And I didn’t sleep all night because I was curious, I looked out the window. When we stayed at the stations, the soldiers — they were Russian soldiers, the Soviet soldiers went back and forth and watched that no

Yakutia makes proposals to the draft law on the Arctic

Photo: YSIA “Yakutia in the finalization of the draft law “On the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” proposes to consider the proposals concerning state policy in the field of support and development of indigenous peoples, which should be an integral part of the policy development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation”, — the Deputy Permanent representative of the Republic of Taras Popov made a presentation at the fourth international Arctic legal forum in Moscow. He voiced the proposal of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). In the report, reflecting the position of the Republic in terms of legal regulations in the Arctic zone of Russia, Deputy permanent representative of Yakutia noted the need to work on improving the “Northern” law to the solution of social problems of the northerners: “the Draft Federal law “On the development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation” is

Permanent representatives of Russia and Ukraine in the UN in different ways compared to Syria to Donbass

Permanent representatives of Russia and Ukraine in the security Council of the United Nations different approaches to the Syrian issue, comparing SAR with the Donbass, RIA Novosti reported. According to Vitaly Churkin, all claims of Ukraine to Damascus, remarkably similar to those claims that can be presented to the actual Kiev Donbass.   “Seemed to me rather curious that all of the claims that the representative of Ukraine tried to present to Damascus, a word-for-word to be addressed to Kiev with his so-called anti – terrorist operation in Donbass”, – said Churkin.   The Ukrainian representative Volodymyr Yelchenko said that Russia itself has compared Syria, Donbass, so continuing the theme, he’d like to note that the methods that Russia allegedly uses in the RAA, and work in the Donbass.   “The methods used by Russia and controlled by forces in the Donbass the same as they use now in Syria.

SC opened a case after an accident in Ugra, which killed 11 people

SC opened a case after an accident in Ugra, which killed 11 people MOSCOW, 4 Dec — RIA Novosti. A criminal case on the fact of road accident with participation of the bus with a children’s sports team in KHMAO, which killed 11 people, said the acting head of the Department of media relations of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation Svetlana Petrenko. “Investigating bodies SK of Russia in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug — Ugra has initiated a criminal case under signs of crime envisaged by part 5 of article 264 of the criminal code and part 3 of article 238 of the RF criminal code (violation of traffic rules, entailed on imprudence death of two or more persons providing services not meeting safety requirements)”, — stated in the message.