Residents of most regions of Russia will be able to observe a partial Eclipse of the Sun

Residents of most regions of Russia will be able to observe a partial Eclipse of the Sun Residents of most regions of Russia will be able to observe a partial Eclipse of the Sun — Moscow 24. Saturday, August 11, the residents of the Northern regions of Russia and Siberia will be able to observe a partial Eclipse of the Sun, the press service of the Moscow planetarium. Will start this unusual phenomenon at 11:02 Moscow time in the Atlantic ocean near the canadian Peninsula of Labrador. Then it can be observed in Greenland and Iceland, then in Northern Europe. At 11:40 the penumbra of the moon will enter the territory of Russia, moving from the Murmansk region in the South-East. The maximum phase of the Eclipse will occur at 12:46. To see the Eclipse will be available to residents of most of the territories of the Russian Federation except

90-year-old Japanese woman photoshops their images and are satisfied with the entire exhibition

90-year-old Japanese woman photoshops their images and are satisfied with the entire exhibition Such cheerfulness and energy will envy the young. Kimiko, Nishimoto — a real celebrity in his native Japan, but she has managed to conquer other countries. And all thanks to his humour, skills and social networks. Does, polirani 西本喜美子 (@kimiko_nishimoto) 9 Fierce 2018 R. about 12:00 PST During the download an error has occurred. 90-year-old woman in retirement is not sitting, and is professionally engaged in photography. In the fall of 2017, she started the Instagram page and started posting pictures of their everyday life, and then creative experiments. Does, polirani 西本喜美子 (@kimiko_nishimoto) 7 KW 2018 R. 2:48 PDT During the download an error has occurred.Kimiko, Nishimoto makes a funny self-portraits and edits them in photoshop. One of them, she jumps in the garden in the image of the polar bear, on the other binds a man

The Russian military has destroyed drone fighters in the area of the base Hamim

The Russian military has destroyed drone fighters in the area of the base Hamim MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Russian military destroyed the drone that is launched in the direction of the air base Hamim, said the head of the Center for reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, major-General Aleksey Tsygankov. According to him, the aircraft was sent from the territory Iglinskiy areas of de-escalation, controlled by illegal armed groups. Tsygankov said that the purpose was discovered in the dark, and destroyed a staff of anti-aircraft firepower at a safe distance from the airbase. “Casualties and no material damage. Russian airbase Hamim operates in a planned mode”, — said the head of the center. Major-General also urged the commanders of illegal armed groups to refrain from provocations and to take the path of peaceful settlement of the situation in the areas under their control. The latest incidents In

Perfect soldier: what will be the sixth generation fighter

The fifth generation fighter, the su-57 © Sergey Bobylev/TASS MOSCOW, August 12. /TASS/. Work on combat aircraft of the sixth generation is already underway in Russia. While its predecessor, the su-57 preparing to enter the troops, the appearance of the new aircraft, its properties and abilities are understood even by the designers of the leading Russian enterprises. What can be the fighter of the sixth generation – in the material TASS, dedicated to the Day of Air and space forces (VKS) Russia. Harbinger About the beginning of work in Russia on combat aircraft of the sixth generation in March 2016, said Dmitry Rogozin, who was then Deputy Premier. According to him, Sukhoi introduced specific work “on the creation of the sixth generation fighter”.

Iran’s Supreme leader called for the opposition’s economic war

Iran’s Supreme leader called for the opposition’s economic war MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Iran’s Supreme leader Ali Khamenei called for “quick and fair” legal action to confront the economic war in the country, reported IRNA. Earlier, the head of the judicial system of Iran Sadeq Amoli Larijani had written a letter to the Supreme leader, stating that “the enemy has unleashed an economic war against the Iranian people,” and asked to give permission for the adoption of the “decisive and rapid action in the framework of the law.” I agree with this proposal. The goal is to quickly and fairly economic to punish corrupt officials. Please advise the appropriate judicial decisions.Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme leader USA Monday restored large-scale sanctions against Iran, which was previously suspended as a result of a Joint comprehensive plan of action (SVPD) on the Iranian nuclear program. Trump in the beginning of may

Turkey intends to move to settlements in national currency with Russia

Turkey intends to move to settlements in national currency with Russia ANKARA, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. Turkey is preparing to move to settlements in national currency with its major trading partners, said the President of the country Tayyip Erdogan. Such a statement the Turkish leader came amid a crisis in relations between Ankara and Washington. On the eve of the US President Donald trump announced the increase of duties on imported Turkish steel and aluminium, which caused another drop in the Turkish Lira to a historic low. Among the States in trade with Turkey which will be transferred to the national currency, Erdogan called Russia, China, Ukraine and Iran. “If the countries of Europe also want to get rid of the shackles of the dollar, that Ankara is ready to go with them on the same calculation,” said the President, quoted by the Anadolu news Agency. Erdogan also said

Moskalkova told about the condition of the crew of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”

Moskalkova told about the condition of the crew of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin” MOSCOW, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. The Commissioner for human rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Liudmyla Denisova told the Russian Ombudsman Tatyana Moskalkova on the status of the crew members of the vessel “Mekhanik Pogodin”. Earlier, permanent representative of the President of Ukraine in Crimea Borys Babin announced that the SBU intends to arrest the Russian ship, who came to Kherson port. According to him, “the Mechanic Pogodin” belongs to a company from Russia, which is under Ukrainian sanctions. As told the press Secretary of the Russian Ombudsman Alexei Sovetov, on Board the tanker are 12 sailors who went ashore. “They have food, water and medicines. The sailors so far no complaints. Neither administrative nor criminal”, — he said. Denisova also said Moskalkova that the sailors had not met with the Russian Consul. However, if

The NASA probe will begin a journey to the Sun

The NASA probe will begin a journey to the Sun WASHINGTON, Aug 11 — RIA Novosti. The latest research probe NASA Solar Probe Parker begins Saturday trip to the sun, the camera will have to unravel the mysteries of the stars and deliver it to the chip with the names of 1.1 million earthlings, reported at NASA. The launch will carry owned by United Launch Allaince (ULA) launch vehicle Delta IV Heavy. Its launch from the spaceport at Cape Canaveral (Florida) is scheduled for 10.33 GMT (03.33 time East coast USA) on Saturday. As said before, start-up company, the likelihood that the start can prevent the weather forecast is 30%. Let’s see what lies ahead Probe Parker (Parker Solar Probe) is named after astrophysicist Eugene Parker, a researcher of plasma physics and Creator of the term “solar wind”. The Agency was first called the spacecraft in honor of a living

In social networks derided the logo-the space forces of the United States

In social networks derided the logo-the space forces of the United States Netizens made fun of the logo options for the future of the Military space forces of the United States. Emblem team presented the American President Donald trump and asked everyone to vote for their favourite option. However, many users do not like any of the logos or the idea of creation of the space forces. Newspaper the Hill has published six emblems, one of which will later be placed on souvenir production campaign trump, and has spawned many jokes on the Internet. Trump campaign asks supporters to vote for the new Space Force logo — Kasie Hunt (@kasie) August 9, 2018. “Motto: a black hole in which to leave your money”, — has signed its option user @mcspocky. Many suggested renaming the “cosmic forces” in the comic, and the idea of their creation called “astronomically stupid”. Some