Putin’s address on pensions in a live broadcast watched by 6.8 million Russians

Putin’s address on pensions in a live broadcast watched by 6.8 million Russians MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. Only live a half-hour televised address of Russian President Vladimir Putin to changes in pension legislation looked more than 6.8 million Russians, the audience of the event was more than the address to the Federal Assembly this year, the data provided by research company Mediascope. Upstairs Message from the President on pensions was broadcasted by Russia 1, Russia 24, channel one, TV Center, NTV, REN TV, Zvezda, and the Fifth channel. It began on 29 August at 12.00 and ended at 12.30. Broadcast audience was 6 814 389 people. Audience share (average number of people who watched the TV program, expressed as a percentage of the entire TV audience) reached 61,649%. Measurements of the audience was conducted in the cities with population over 100 thousand people, among Russians over four years. For

In the Kemerovo region the first snow fell

In the Kemerovo region the first snow fell NOVOSIBIRSK, Sep 3 — RIA Novosti. The first snow fell abnormally early in the Kemerovo region from-for sharp temperature drops, told RIA Novosti on Monday, press Secretary of the Kemerovo meteorologist Natalia Poluektova. Upstairs Now in Berlin: Berlin: +21° 69% 760 mm Hg. article 6 m/s Last weekend and Monday, the residents of Kemerovo region, in social networks began to post photos with the fallen in different districts of the region the first snow. “In early September we rarely have snow. Last year the first snow fell on 8 February in Sheregesh is a mountainous area. Usually snow is observed 14, 21 September, closer to the end of the month, set a temporary snow cover and somewhere in October in some areas is constant. Such early timing of snowfall have not yet been. But it is wet snow, and not even the

The source identified the cause of the air leak on the ISS

The source identified the cause of the air leak on the ISS MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. The reason of depressurization of the spacecraft “Soyuz MS-09” was a manufacturing defect — drilled on the Earth hole in the inner housing, told RIA Novosti source in the rocket and space industry, familiar with the situation. Upstairs Air leaks on the ISS found in the night of Thursday, August 30. The crew checked all compartments and found, in the words of the head of the Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, “hairline fracture” in the spacecraft “Soyuz MS-09”. It was located in the living compartment, not in the descent module, so do not threaten the return of the spacecraft to the Ground. While earlier it was believed that the crack formed due to the penetration of the micrometeoroid. The Russian cosmonauts closed the hole with a special sealant. News“Without fanaticism and very carefully.” How to

Traffic on the Crimean bridge exceeded the annual rate ferry

Traffic on the Crimean bridge exceeded the annual rate ferry SIMFEROPOL, Sep 3 — RIA Novosti. Traffic on the Crimean bridge greatly exceeded the performance of the Kerch ferry crossing for all of last year. This was reported by the press service of PKU “uprdor “Taman” Federal road Agency, which operates the bridge. Upstairs For 2017 on the ferries carried about 1.32 million passenger cars and buses, and the bridge from mid-may had traveled nearly 2,288 million motorists. On average in August in day at the bridge passed almost 27.3 per thousand vehicles, and this figure rose by ten percent compared to the previous month. The press service added that reduced the number of violations of traffic rules when driving over the bridge. It is noted that the peak in the first two weeks after the opening of the bridge. Mostly motorists exceed the speed limit. A bridge to the

Destroyed the national Museum of Brazil the fire occurred due to the negligence

Destroyed the national Museum of Brazil the fire occurred due to the negligence MOSCOW, 3 sen — news. A fire that destroyed the national Museum in Rio de Janeiro, occurred due to “negligence for many years,” said the Minister of culture of Brazil, Sergio Sa Leitão (Sérgio Sá Leitão). Upstairs “Let this serve as an alarming signal that such tragedies are not repeated in other museums and other institutions” — leads the channel Telesur words of the Minister. According to him, to make the necessary improvements and to “avoid a tragedy”, “don’t have time”. Earlier it was reported that the fire broke out in the Museum building on Sunday night and lasted more than three hours. As a result of incident nobody has suffered. The cause of the fire is not yet established. The President of Brazil Michel Temer said that as a result of the fire was “lost 200

On a place of wreck of Mi-8 in Irkutsk region found the bodies of three dead

On a place of wreck of Mi-8 in Irkutsk region found the bodies of three dead TASS, September 3 — a Source in emergency services of the region also added that the helicopter was destroyed by impact with the ground. Upstairs In the crash of a helicopter Mi-8 in Irkutsk region killed three pilots. As reported TASS a source in emergency services of the region, their bodies discovered at the crash site of the aircraft. The source also added that the helicopter was destroyed when it hit the ground. Siberian regional center (SRC) emergencies Ministry confirmed the information about the discovery of the bodies of the three victims. As reported TASS the press service of EMERCOM of SRC, the issue of transportation. The rescuers EMERCOM of Russia on foot reached the crash site of the helicopter reported three dead. Currently, the decision on transportation of the bodies from the scene

Prosecutors office will check the airport, from which flew crashed in the Irkutsk region helicopter

Prosecutors office will check the airport, from which flew crashed in the Irkutsk region helicopter IRKUTSK, September 3. /TASS/ — the Agency is also reviewing the airline “Angara”, which owned the Mi-8. Upstairs The Prosecutor’s office launched an investigation of “Angara” airlines and airport Ust-Kut in Irkutsk region, where on the eve flew the crashed Mi-8 helicopter, said Monday the press-service of East – Siberian transport Prosecutor’s office. “Baikal-Angara and Osetrovskaya transport Prosecutor’s office began check of observance of requirements of the legislation on safety of flights of airline “Angara” and the place of departure of the helicopter”, — is spoken in the message. The Prosecutor’s office also established a supervision of investigation of criminal case of the East Siberian investigative management on transport SK the Russian Federation under part 3 of article 263 of the criminal code (“Violation of safety rules of movement and operation of air transport”). As

The first one in Africa

The first one in Africa Dmitry Kosyrev is about the development of the Black continent in Chinese. Upstairs The Chinese have once again tried to show that part of the forums they are equal in the world. In Beijing went to the leaders of virtually all of Africa (over 50 States), at the next summit FOCAС — a cooperation forum of China and the dark continent (3-4 September). Any forum is the celebration of statistics, which in normal circumstances is difficult to collect. In the local media long is a roll call of ambassadors of Beijing in different countries of Africa with experts, which lists all the achievements by now for part of the integrated development of Africa by China. The picture is more than impressive, here are some stories. NewsHow to live in the most dangerous country in Africa In Djibouti, a small country in the horn of Africa

VTSIOM predicts voter turnout on elections of the mayor of Moscow almost 32%

VTSIOM predicts voter turnout on elections of the mayor of Moscow almost 32% MOSCOW, September 3. /TASS/ — According to the survey, the provisional leader called Sergei Sobyanin. Upstairs All-Russia centre of studying of public opinion (VTSIOM) predicts that turnout in the upcoming nationwide voting day on 9 September Moscow mayoral elections may be about 32%. As follows from available TASS materials initiative poll “Electoral preferences of Muscovites”, held on 28-30 August, “the interest of Muscovites to the election in late August remained at the same level — the forecast turnout in the upcoming elections is 31.8%”. This, says poll, “corresponds to the level of 2013”. Thus sociologists notice that “the election campaign has become more pronounced: only about a quarter of those who does not exclude the possibility to come to the polls (33%) say that have not seen campaign materials of any candidate”. Among the candidates applying for

Named mortal danger physical activity

Named mortal danger physical activity Scientists at the University of British Columbia found that athletes vulnerable to cardiovascular disease, despite the constant physical activity. Upstairs This confirms the results of previous studies indicating that people exposed to constant stress, increases the risk of premature death. About it reported in a press release MedicalXpress. Experts analyzed data on 798 athletes aged 35 years and older who were engaged in medium and high physical activity three days a week at least. The volunteers answered a series of questions about health, family medical history and sports. The participants also measured blood pressure and conducted a coronary angiography. As a result, 94 people showed signs of cardiovascular disease, and 10 with severe disorders of the coronary arteries with no evidence of symptoms. Although it was shown that physical activity helps prevent heart disorders, cancer, and depression, excessive loads can cause serious injury. Researchers are