The defense Ministry has defined the function of the army political officers

The defense Ministry has defined the function of the army political officers The Russian army will return to the political officers — the Deputy commanders for political-military work, which will be responsible for Patriotic education of the soldiers. This “news” told in the Ministry of defense. Upstairs Their responsibilities will include providing deep understanding of state policy in the field of defense. Previously, a key function of political officers was the maintenance of discipline and education personnel. “There is an external reason — the need to counter informvoyne,” — said the Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of defense Alexander Kanshin. Another factor he called the necessity of the unification worldview soldiers. “Our country is multinational and multiconfessional, and the army should be a single body. People with different views, different religion, different education needs to be combined political-educational work”, — said the representative of the Ministry of

Poroshenko has decided to legalize the greeting “Glory to Ukraine” in the army

Poroshenko has decided to legalize the greeting “Glory to Ukraine” in the army President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill, which sets nationalist greeting “Glory to Ukraine!” and “glory to the Heroes!” as a major in the army. The document specified as urgent, RIA Novosti reported citing the country’s Parliament. Upstairs The project envisages the amendments to the charters of internal, garrison and guard services, and drill regulations. Now the armed forces of Ukraine are greeting “Hello, comrades!” and “I wish you Health!”. The phrase “Glory to Ukraine!” with the answer “glory to Heroes!”, combined with the pulling up of the right hand was adopted as the institutional password, the welcome to the members of the Organization of Ukrainian nationalists and the Ukrainian insurgent army (both organizations are banned in Russia) in the period of the Second world war. In the early 1990s, the greeting

Video: Crimean Safari Park lion climbed into the car with tourists

Video: Crimean Safari Park lion climbed into the car with tourists Crimean lions Park “Taigan” has published online a video of the unusual acquaintance of tourists with a lion while walking in the open electric cars on the territory of the zoo. Upstairs Two-year lion Phil, after seeing the Manager of the excursion car of the owner of the Park, Oleg Zubkov, went to him, and then climbed into the cab. During the download an error has occurred.NewsAmur tigress from Crimea was the ideal mother Lion Fillet of communication are always small, it is not enough just to go and chat with the guests of the Savannah, — said the employee of the zoo Tatiana Alexakhina. — It is necessary to go into the cabin and get behind the wheel, although this is not enough. He needs to steer. Climbing into an electric car, Phil began to lick the stunned

Plastic eyes. Store Kuwait fish “refreshed” in an unusual way

Plastic eyes. Store Kuwait fish “refreshed” in an unusual way But the trick didn’t work. Upstairs The Kuwaiti newspaper Al Bayan shared a funny story. The journalists said on Twitter that one of the local shops tried to “fake” appearance selling fish to make it look fresh. Lying several days on the counter, the goods were given yellowed eyes, and that store employees decided to fix the duel — real they glued on the eyes, which are used in the manufacture of toys. And the fish began to look not so fresh, but much more fun. However, this idea is not appreciated neither the buyers nor the city authorities, it is logical considering it is a deception of the people. وزارة التجارة تغلق محلا لبيع الأسماك يضع مزيفة للأسماك لتبدو عدسات على انها طازجة! — جريدة بيان الكويتية (@Bayan_kw) September 1, 2018 Now, according to the newspaper Al Bayan,

“The situation in the world today does not get bored”

“The situation in the world today does not get bored” Sergey Lavrov discussed foreign policy with students MGIMO. Upstairs The Minister of foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov 3 September held a traditional meeting with students of MGIMO. For hours he discussed with future international “fundamental contradictions” between the countries and the most acute problems: the establishment of relations with the United States, the crisis in Ukraine, “business Skrypalia”, the sanctions against Russia. Said the Minister and the personal: admitted that most of Russia likes Siberia, and noted that it is not sitting in social networks, but interested in what is happening there. “Kommersant” has made a selection of his answers. About finding balance “The situation in the world today does not get bored, we all know that. Be a truly tectonic shifts” — described the situation in international relations Minister. He recalled that after the collapse of

Trump warned Assad from “attack on Idlib”

Trump warned Assad from “attack on Idlib” TASS, 4 September. The US President Donald trump on Monday warned Syrian leader Bashar Assad from the “reckless attacks” in Idlib province, a large part of the territory controlled by the rebels. Upstairs “Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should not recklessly attack the province of Idlib. The Russians and Iranians will make a great humanitarian error by taking part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people may be killed. Do not let this happen,” wrote trump on Twitter. President Bashar al-Assad of Syria must not recklessly attack Idlib Province. The Russians and Iranians would be making a grave mistake humanitarian to take part in this potential human tragedy. Hundreds of thousands of people could be killed. Don’t let that happen! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 3, 2018. Idlib — the only major region of Syria, which remains in the hands

Anybody: I could sing “September 3” with Buckwheat or Monetocracy, but to me nobody addressed

Anybody: I could sing “September 3” with Buckwheat or Monetocracy, but to me nobody addressed Russian singer Mikhail Shufutinsky could sing “September 3,” a duet with Buckwheat or Monotachi if the young singer asked him. About it anybody 3 September said in an interview with radio station “Moscow speaking”. Upstairs According to anybody, duet — “this is not just to get together and sing a song.” “It is necessary that these two persons coincide, it did not match…” — he said. The first time anybody sang a song “September 3” in 1993. The music was composed by Igor Krutoy — Igor Nikolaev. “It was no miracle: on this day, no one fought, not tolerated — this is not a special date,” — said the singer. During the download an error has occurred. Subsequently, the song became a Internet meme, which every year 3 Sep remember in Runet. The artist is

The Kuiper belt without Russia: politics, money and asteroids

The Kuiper belt without Russia: politics, money and asteroids Automatic the New Horizons probe sent to the asteroid Ultima Thule, however, Russia is not involved in the study of the far reaches of the Solar system. Upstairs The apparatus of the New Horizons NASA on August 30 reached the Kuiper Belt is poorly studied region of the cluster of asteroids beyond the orbit of Neptune. The device has already fulfilled its main mission to study the dwarf planet Pluto and its satellites, but the new mission space probe is difficult to name just optional. What is its importance? And if she’s as important as Russia was behind this project? Then all Project flight of the New Horizons probe to Pluto at a cost of $700 million. Therefore, after successful photography “heart” on the surface of the dwarf planet, NASA decided to continue to use the device and sent it to

To remember

To remember The defense Ministry will restore more than 10 thousand military memorial sites throughout Russia. Upstairs Six years to be renovated 10 thousand military memorial sites throughout Russia, plans of the defense Ministry. In 72 regions it is planned to create new cemeteries and memorials to soldiers and officers who died in the great Patriotic war. According to calculations departments on the implementation of the Federal target program will require 4.2 billion. Tidying up the graves, most of which were created in the postwar years, will be another indication that the soldiers who defended the Fatherland, will never be forgotten. In defense of “Izvestia” said that next year the Agency began an extensive renovation of graves of soldiers killed in defending the Fatherland. In addition, start the creation of new memorials. Basically it is a necropolis where are buried the soldiers killed during the great Patriotic war. In the

Posted by on Russian attacked live

Posted by on Russian attacked live MOSCOW, 3 sen— news. In Donetsk on the Russian war correspondent and author of the project WarGonzo Seeds Pegova attacked by an unknown assailant during a live broadcast of the program “Time will tell” on the First channel. Upstairs The journalist was covering from the self-proclaimed DND. In turn it pushed out of the frame dressed in camouflage man. Pegova managed to evade and to continue the dialogue with the leading by Artem Caninum. At the same time on the background and a fight ensued. Wow! On Pegova during the live broadcast of a military attack… — Zurab (@AZZurabAZ) 3 Sep 2018 “Everything is fine. It was a provocation, absolutely inadequate person in the form. But the guys now took him away,” — commented on the incident, posted by. Answering the question Scheinin, the journalist said that after the murder of the head