Posted a video of the landing of a Chinese Rover on the dark side of the moon

Posted a video of the landing of a Chinese Rover on the dark side of the moon MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. China national space administration (CNSA) published the full video of the landing of the Rover “WiTu-2” and the other “passengers” spacecraft “Chang’e-4” on the reverse side of the moon, according to the microblogging channel CGTV. Chinese program sensing of the moon, “Chang’e” includes three stages: flyby around Earth satellite, the moon landing, and return samples from its surface to Earth. The first two phases have been successfully implemented by Chinese engineers and rocket scientists. China National Space Administration releases video recording of the entire soft landing on moon’s far side by China’s #ChangE4 probe — CGTN (@CGTNOfficial) 11 Jan 2019. In 2013, China sent a moon Rover “WiTu”, which means “jade rabbit”. He was on Board the lander “Chang’e-3” and sat in the crater of rainbow

Israeli planes bombed the outskirts of Damascus, media reported

Israeli planes bombed the outskirts of Damascus, media reported DAMASCUS, January 12 — RIA Novosti. Israeli warplanes fired missiles on the outskirts of Damascus, Syria’s air defense shot down most of the missiles, according to the result Ikhbariya. “At 23.15 (0.15 Saturday GMT), Israeli military aircraft arriving from the North of Israel, have launched several missiles on the outskirts of Damascus. Our defense immediately repelled the attack and knocked most of the missiles,” said channel military source. “The damage from the attack caused only warehouse in the area of Damascus international airport,” added the source. According to the channel, the attack did not affect the work of the international airport of Damascus. According to the portal Flightradar, soon after the attack in 23.58 (0.58 Saturday GMT) from Damascus airport to ship departed the Syrian airline Syrian Air, next to Bahrain. Ikhbariya reported earlier that the flying from the district of

Colonel of the interior Ministry suffered from the door to his office

Colonel of the interior Ministry suffered from the door to his office Chief inspector of the Ministry of internal Affairs Colonel Vitaly Rozanov received a ridiculous foot injury, trying to open the door of the office building of the Ministry of internal Affairs on Zhitnaya street in Moscow. On Friday, January 11, the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets”. According to the newspaper, the incident occurred the afternoon of January 10. Arriving at work, the police opened the key door of the Cabinet, but the lock is jammed. After unsuccessful attempts Colonel floated feet: At some point, Rozanov made a careless movement and sprained my right limb. He found the strength to go down to the duty officer that called the ambulance. The doctors discovered the Colonel sprain and put lagetko. After that Rozanov has returned to the workplace.

The American has hit the jackpot after seeing a prophetic dream

The American has hit the jackpot after seeing a prophetic dream MOSCOW, 11 Feb — RIA Novosti. A resident of the United States Richard Joyner has twice hit the jackpot thanks to prophetic dreams, reports UPI. According to him, he saw in a dream a combination of numbers four, eight, five, and six. Betting on virtual horse racing, he decided to choose horses with such numbers and eventually won the main prize — 15252 dollar (about million). It is noteworthy that Joyner won and larger sums: in September he managed to obtain 39 697 dollars (more than two and a half million rubles). He says that and then trust combinations that came to him in a dream. In the autumn of last year the inhabitant of Moscow managed to win “Stoloto” more than nine million rubles. He said that he also saw the figures in the dream, but added the

Assembled the prototype of the “Spaceship” showed on the pictures

Assembled the prototype of the “Spaceship” showed on the pictures Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, has posted on Twitter a photo of the assembled prototype of a new space transportation system. Not so long ago, Musk showed a picture of the prototype under construction, and has now published the already assembled test apparatus. We are talking about a new space transport system SpaceX, which was originally called the BFR (Big Falcon Rocket), but was later renamed: booster got the name Super Heavy (eng. “Heavyweight”), and the spacecraft was renamed Starship (eng. “Starship”). The rocket in the picture is suborbital. This is the first version of the system later, according to the Mask, will be built by orbital version, which will, in particular, longer. First the flight, a suborbital version, as it is supposed, may pass within one to two months. Starship test flight rocket just finished assembly at the @SpaceX

NASA officially canceled the invitation of Rogozin in the United States

NASA officially canceled the invitation of Rogozin in the United States Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU Roskosmos has received a letter from NASA about the cancellation of the visit of the head of the state Dmitry Rogozin in the United States, said on Friday “Interfax” the official representative of Roskosmos Vladimir Ustimenko. “Received a letter from NASA, in which the head of the Agency regrets the cancellation of the visit”, — said Volodya. According to him, about the reasons for the cancellation of the visit, the letter does not say. Earlier it was reported that NASA canceled the invitation of Rogozin in USA against the visit made a number of American politicians. In Roskosmos said that the official withdrawal of the invitation from NASA was not received. The head of Roscosmos said that it is “the element of struggle between Congress and the tramp”. Dmitry Rogozin planned to visit USA in

Future losses of the U.S. economy because of the “shutdown” is estimated at $1.2 billion in a week

Future losses of the U.S. economy because of the “shutdown” is estimated at $1.2 billion in a week Moscow. January 11. INTERFAX.RU — the Loss of the American economy as a result of suspension of work of Federal institutions in the USA can be as high as $1.2 billion in a week, if the “shutdown” drags on, says Advisor to the President of the United States on economic issues, Kevin Hassett. Despite the fact that such losses would weaken the country’s economic growth of only 0.05 percentage points, they can hinder the achievement of U.S. government objectives to provide a stable GDP growth at 3%, writes Politico. The work of the Federal agencies in the United States is stopped from 22 December 2018 because of a lack of funding. The problem arose because of disagreements between the President of the United States Donald trump and democratic lawmakers on the allocation

Allowed Pushkin spelling errors?

Allowed Pushkin spelling errors? Pushkin is not the first decade are studying in school. And the poet himself as was the case with spelling errors? He made? Chief researcher, State Russian language Institute. A. S. Pushkina, doctor of Philology Elmira Afanasyev: — Yes, allowed. And often consciously, focusing on the archaic version of the word or focusing on colloquial language. Each of these “mistakes” has its own biography. For example: “Neva was running like a sick/In his bed restless” (“the bronze horseman”). At first glance, the poem is present the mistaken use of “bed” instead of “bed”. However, the language norms of the nineteenth century differed significantly from standards of the first half of the XXI century and in the age of Pushkin besides the word “bed” used the word “bed”. Or 1830 sonnet “Madona”. Mistake in the title? Yes and no. The fact that Pushkin in the spelling of

Barbarian attitude toward the chicken has angered members of the network

Barbarian attitude toward the chicken has angered members of the network Twitter has gained viral popularity photo chicken, which is baked in the oven a young American. The dish looked unappetizing, as the guy did not use a single spice. Users of microblogging platform annoyed this culinary approach. Y’all wanna get upset by the lack of seasoning on my boyfriends roommates chicken with me — Anustart (@corihealey) January 8, 2019. Photos of dishes posted on the web a resident of Baltimore with the nickname Anustart. It was made by the boyfriend of her roommate. “Want to get upset with me because of the lack of seasoning on the chicken, which made the boyfriend of my roommate?” addressed to the subscribers Anustart. “It’s so disgusting. Pray for him,” she insisted. Among the subscribers indeed were a lot of people were saddened at the act of the American. Some he even

What mysterious radio signals coming to Earth from space? Five versions

What mysterious radio signals coming to Earth from space? Five versions Scientists have documented a strange radio signal of unknown origin emanating from distant galaxies. When these signals are known as “fast radio bursts” (FRB), reach earth telescopes, they flare up brightly — thousandths of a second and disappear. Over the last decade, such pulses was recorded for several decades, but this week the signals were even more strange than usual — they were repeated. Scientists don’t know for sure what it is exactly and where are radio waves, but they have several possible versions. A neutron star When a star explodes and dies, it can turn into a rapidly rotating neutron star. Astronomers believe that those that are in the area of strong magnetic field, can emit such strange signals. “In General, the option with something similar to a neutron star looks like a pretty good bet,” says canadian