An anthropologist told me how grown human brain for seven million years

An anthropologist told me how grown human brain for seven million years MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti. The human brain over the past 7 million years of evolution has increased nearly five times, he grew from 300 to 13500 cubic centimeters, said in an interview with RIA Novosti associate Professor in the Department of anthropology of the biological faculty of MSU named after M. V. Lomonosov, candidate of biological Sciences Stanislav Drobyshevsky. In 2019 the Department of anthropology of the biological faculty of Moscow state University turns 100 years old. The news isDoping for the brain: can we become smarter with the help of pills “Our main purchase — a large brain that we now have more than any of our ancestors except Neanderthal and CRO-magnon. Over the last 7 million years the human brain grew four and a half times, from 300 to 13500 cubic centimeters. But for

“God does not like “test purchases”: what is water Baptism the Holy

“God does not like “test purchases”: what is water Baptism the Holy MOSCOW, 18 Jul — RIA Novosti, Alexei Mikheev. Today Orthodox believers — the eve of the Epiphany, the day when all the churches for the first time committed the great blessing of the waters (the second will be the feast of the Baptism of the Lord). The people of this water is credited with the ability to heal all diseases, and a wonderful property not to deteriorate. And still you think that night after Christmas eve all the water in the taps and in the waters is sanctified of itself. Whether so it and what will attempts to verify its sanctity — in the material RIA Novosti. Fountain of Hagia Sophia The feast of the Epiphany, or Epiphany — remembering the day when Jesus Christ came to the Jordan river where he baptized by the prophet John in

Avakov told about the violations of the presidential candidates of Ukraine

Avakov told about the violations of the presidential candidates of Ukraine The majority of candidates in presidents of Ukraine are engaged in illegal propaganda campaign. This was announced by interior Minister Arsen Avakov. “From the beginning of the campaign (December 31, 2018) of the Ministry of interior and Netpolice received 91 appeal from public organizations and citizens about violations during the election campaign,” — wrote Avakov in Facebook. He also said that law enforcement agencies have issued protocols on articles “hooliganism”, “violation of order of placement of campaign materials or political advertisements or posting them in prohibited areas”, “production or dissemination of printed campaigning materials in which there is no information about the place of printing, number of copies, persons responsible for release”. Avakov said that this is “a flagrant violation of the law.” In the near future will be submitted to the appropriate penalties. Presidential elections in Ukraine will

The baptism of Russia: what did the neighbors

The baptism of Russia: what did the neighbors About the Embassy of faith and scandalous marriage of Prince Vladimir. Evidence of contemporaries. The baptism of Russia, held by Prince Vladimir in the end of X century — the most important event in the history of ancient statehood that determined for centuries to come her cultural and spiritual development. Naturally, it was reflected not only in ancient written monuments, but also in the testimonies of foreign authors. Was it the Embassy? In the “tale of bygone years” the story of the baptism is preceded by the semi-legendary narrative about the “testing of the faiths” by the Kievan Prince Vladimir. In particular, in article 987, the company said about sending Russian embassies to other Nations to study of their worship. These data, some researchers considered unreliable, find unexpected confirmation in the work of the medieval Arab scientist and naturalist and physician al-marwazi

Mining and protected

Mining and protected The firms oil companies prevents Regardie. Oil companies fear monopolization of the market of protective services Asgardia, which received powers to revoke the licenses of Firms in the Energy sector facilities. LUKOIL, “Gazprom oil”, SIBUR and Tatneft wrote a letter to the Secretary of the Russian security Council Nikolai Patrushev with a complaint of growth in the number of prescriptions to address security in their enterprises. For the actions of service are the legal grounds that, according to “Kommersant”, the government has mandated it to resolve, but this did not happen. In Regardie think the problem is far-fetched, but recognize that her services are more expensive. Lawyers believe that the Firms can protect themselves from the actions of service even without legislative changes, but it is necessary to challenge its action in court. “B” acquainted with the letter which heads of the largest oil companies of the

In Regardie surprised at the complaints of oil companies on the requirements for the protection of enterprises

In Regardie surprised at the complaints of oil companies on the requirements for the protection of enterprises Moscow. 18 Jan. INTERFAX.RU — Regardie learned from the media about the letter, oil companies, complaining of increase in the number of prescriptions to address security in their enterprises, have informed “Interfax” Agency spokesman Valery Gribakin. “We were surprised by such requests, because we have quite a constructive relationship with all market participants and, primarily, with energy. Note that we have a lot of formats of interaction with these companies, there is a Council, which includes over a hundred representatives of chop, large companies and experts,” said Gribakin. We at least once a quarter we have meetings at which these issues were raised. I want to note that we are still not familiar with the contents of this appeal, we consider only the information that appeared in the media, of the letter no.

Zhukov Russian citizen extradited from Bulgaria to USA

Zhukov Russian citizen extradited from Bulgaria to USA WASHINGTON, 19 Jan — RIA Novosti. The citizen of the Russian Federation Zhukov extradited from Bulgaria to USA, employees of the Russian Consulate in new York will visit it in the near future, reported the Russian Embassy in the United States. “Extradited from Bulgaria to the USA Russian citizen A. Zhukov held in prison in Brooklyn, new York. In the near future the staff of the Consulate in new York will visit fellow countryman in jail. Will give him all necessary consular assistance,” — said the Embassy in his official Twitter. It is specified that “Russian citizen charged with conspiracy to commit computer fraud”.

Russia accused of attempt of hacking the servers of the democratic party of the United States in November 2018

Russia accused of attempt of hacking the servers of the democratic party of the United States in November 2018 WASHINGTON, 19 Jan — RIA Novosti, Alexei Bogdanovsky. The democratic party in a lawsuit to the Russian Federation claimed that Russia was trying to hack the servers of the national Committee of the democratic party in November 2018, according to court documents. In April, the national Committee of the US Democratic party (DNC) has filed a lawsuit against the government of the Russian Federation, Main Department of the Russian General staff (GRU), entrepreneurs, father and son agalarovyh, the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, and also against the electoral headquarters of Donald trump, including son-in-law of us President Jared Kushner. The action relates to hacker attacks in 2015 and 2016 and assumptions about the conspiracy to damage the Democrats, as well as to promote the candidacy of trump. On Friday, the Democrats

In Tokyo found graffiti that resembles the work of Banksy

In Tokyo found graffiti that resembles the work of Banksy The Tokyo authorities are exploring whether the authorship of one of the graffiti that found in the Japanese capital, belong to British street artist Banksy. On 18 January, the newspaper the Japan Times. The image of a rat with an umbrella found on the door near the train station, Hinode in the center of Tokyo. The drawing is made with the help of spray and resembles a series of other works with rats British artist. あのバンクシーの作品かもしれないカワイイねずみの絵が都内にありました! 東京への贈り物かも? カバンを持っているようです。 — 小池百合子 (@ecoyuri) January 17, 2019 The Governor of Tokyo Yuriko Koike published a photo with a picture in his Twitter account. “In Tokyo I found a picture of a cute rat, which was able to draw Banksy! It’s a gift for Tokyo?”, — signed it. The door where you found the rat, found to reduce the risk of the station

In the Crimea opened spacecraft-hotel (photo)

In the Crimea opened spacecraft-hotel (photo) Here there are exhibits dedicated to Yuri Gagarin and Darth Vader. Unusual and totally unique entertainment complex opened in Alushta in the Crimea. An interactive platform called “Guardian of the Empire” made by the famous science-fiction Saga “Star wars”, but, in addition, inside the “space ship”, you can see characters and references to other fiction movies, books and real astronauts. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Guardian Empire (@the_guardian_of_empire) 16 Jan 2019 12:10 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Guardian Empire (@the_guardian_of_empire) 17 Jan 2019 12:01 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Guardian Empire (@the_guardian_of_empire) 13 Jul 2019 11:01 PST During the download an error has occurred. View this post in Instagram Publication of the Guardian Empire (@the_guardian_of_empire) 8 Jan 2019 at