U.S. misinformed UAE about the dangerous situation with the Russian satellite

U.S. misinformed UAE about the dangerous situation with the Russian satellite The United States introduced a United Arab Emirates misleading, reporting false information about the approaching Russian satellite to the apparatus YahSat-1B, the document says scientific Astro space center (ASC). According to “RIA Novosti” with reference to these ants, the us military handed over in Abu Dhabi information about the alleged threat the convergence of the satellite YahSat-1B with the device “Luch” in may 2018. According to the United States, they had to fly next to each other at a distance of 140 m to 9.65 km. “The Russian foreign Ministry and the state Corporation “Roscosmos”… were forced to respond to requests from the UAE, who viewed the situation as dangerous and probably created deliberately by the Russian side”, — explained in ants. Despite assurances from Moscow in the absence of threats, the UAE has performed an evasive maneuver their

China went on trade concessions to the United States

China went on trade concessions to the United States BEIJING, 1 Feb — RIA Novosti. China during the last round of talks with the United States agreed to reduce the imbalance in mutual trade and begin to actively increase the import of American agricultural products and energy, the Ministry of Commerce of China. At the same time in Beijing said that during the last round of talks on trade disputes with the United States, the parties managed to achieve important progress. “The parties had a fair, meaningful and fruitful discussions”, — said in a statement. During the two-day talks, the sides discussed the trade imbalance, the issue of technology transfer, problems of protection of intellectual property rights, non-tariff barriers. According to the Ministry, among other things, the U.S. and China said the further schedule of talks. Earlier Thursday, U.S. President Donald trump after talks with Vice-Premier of the state Council

The head of Transbaikalia has called the decision of the mayor of Chita to resign correct

The head of Transbaikalia has called the decision of the mayor of Chita to resign correct KRASNOYARSK, 31 Jan — RIA Novosti. The head of Transbaikalian edge Alexander Osipov said that the decision of the mayor of Chita Anatoly Mikhalev resign useful for city development, told RIA Novosti press-service of the Governor. Mikhalev, who led the city since 2000, on January 24 announced the resignation on 1 February. From this moment the duties of the head of the city takes the first Deputy Andrey Mikhalev Agrisense. MPs on Thursday unanimously accepted the resignation Mikhalev. He is no longer mayor, but continued to work as a Deputy of the city Duma. “Anatoly had made the right decision, useful for the development of the city,” Osipov was quoted by his press service. Earlier Osipov instructed the head of administration of Chita Oleg Kuznetsov jointly with the Ministry of territorial development to prepare

The President’s condition, Louis Vuitton has increased over the day for $4.3 billion

The President’s condition, Louis Vuitton has increased over the day for $4.3 billion As the President and primary owner of the group of companies Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy (LVMH) Bernard Arnault per day increased by $4.3 billion reported by Bloomberg. This is due to the fact that prices increased LVMH after the publication of the annual report, explains the edition. On Wednesday the stock reached 279 Euro per share (+6%), which is the best indicator for a few years — from July 2016. According to calculations Bloomberg, now as Frenchman Arnaud reaches $76,9 billion It fourth in the list of the richest people in the world, the Agency said. Third place is President of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Warren Buffett ($84,8), the second is Microsoft founder bill gates ($95.5 billion), and first — Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ($138 billion). Arnault became the richest man in Europe in April 2018, according to

The artist draws a black-and-white portraits on burned homes in California

The artist draws a black-and-white portraits on burned homes in California Art that gives hope. In November 2018 in California have been destructive fires. Most went to the town of Paradise, which almost all were destroyed by fire. Local residents were forced to leave their homes and have not returned. Now the once beautiful city is a the ashes of the destroyed houses, burned-out trees, cars and piles of debris. But there is a place for real art. Artist Shane grammer, who grew up in the neighboring town of Chico, and now works as an artist and lives in Los Angeles, came up with an unusual project. He paints black and white portraits of people on the surviving walls and charred vehicles in Paradise. View this post in Instagram Publication of ShaneGrammerArts (@shanegrammerarts) 2 Jan 2019 at 5:07 PST During the download an error has occurred. First, grammer drew one

Weird national costumes

Weird national costumes Why the Greeks in battle needed the POM-poms on the shoes that were borrowed by the British from the French in the battle of Waterloo and as a hat became the basis of caste. Tell stories of the origin of the bright parts of the national images. Bolivia: the bowler hat as a sign of caste A full, layered skirt, knitted Cape and hat in the style of Charlie Chaplin — so dress up Bolivian cholita. No “cake” with a necklace and feathers weighs more harness on the head. Bolivian girl. modest. NewsBlood pressure in Amazonian Indians does not grow with age Calitati traditionally called women “inferior caste,” the Indian women of the tribes, the Quechua and Aymara living in the territory of Bolivia and Peru. They could only rely on low-paid jobs, were not allowed to visit the restaurants and take taxis. The situation changed when

Donald trump sent a “naive” American special services in school

Donald trump sent a “naive” American special services in school And in return learned of his “intellectual bankruptcy”. The US President Donald trump called U.S. intelligence agencies naive in the assessment of global threats to the United States. According to Mr. trump, intelligence agencies dropped out of school, so they should go back there. Several prominent U.S. congressmen from both parties and former head of the CIA, noted that the President is “dangerous habit to discredit the security services in the name of his alternate reality”. The reason for a new conflict between the US President and secret services was published on Tuesday, an annual report on global threats to the United States prepared by the office of the Director of National intelligence (DNI) and the intelligence community of the United States. As it turned out, almost all the main findings of that report were completely contrary to almost all

In Ukraine officially registered the new Church

In Ukraine officially registered the new Church The Ministry of justice of Ukraine officially registered the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Data about it is entered in the Unified state register. According to him, ptsu registered as a legal entity called “the Kyivan Metropolitanate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Orthodox Church of Ukraine),” January 30, 2019. The legal address is Kiev, street three saints, 6. This address, which is the Mikhailovsky Cathedral, the Cathedral for the Ukrainian Orthodox Church Kiev Patriarchate, which moved to the PCU. Its head, Patriarch Filaret is now called “honorary Patriarch of the DNC”. In the Ukrainian Orthodox Church-Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP), declare the illegality of the registration of the new Church. According to the UOC, the only legally existing in Ukraine from a legal and religious point of view, is the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate. “No other UOC does not exist in nature. Ukrainian

Call back number does not pass

Call back number does not pass Check policies with the help of cameras does not start because of problems with databases. The interior Ministry of Russia and the Russian Union of motor insurers (RAMI) was unable to fulfil the instructions of the government on integration of information databases. This is a necessary condition for system start-up verification of insurance policies using the traffic cameras. The main problem, as “Kommersant” found out, on the side of the insurers in their database lacks information on the numbers of cars, there are duplicates of existing policies and other errors. The timing of the decision problems are not known. Today is the deadline of the orders, which Deputy Prime Minister Maxim Akimov gave MIA and PCA to run the system check the availability of CTP with the help of cameras. The police and the insurers had in January, “integration of databases”, follows from the

A new head grows better under the influence of a magnet

A new head grows better under the influence of a magnet Studies have shown that a weak magnetic field (SMP) effect on wound healing. All of us are electromagnetic fields that create the Earth as a whole, and individual instruments and gadgets. They average 25-65 of microtesla (µt). It is known that under the influence of magnetic field changes the rate of chemical reactions. And how does the organism as a whole? During the download an error has occurred. Article on the influence of weak magnetic fields published in Science Advances.