As the Empress turned their outfits into a weapon of political struggle

As the Empress turned their outfits into a weapon of political struggle Empress Catherine II (1729-1796), the ruler of the wise and far-sighted, ably influence public opinion — not only in word but also fashion. Leader has created a special costume language of military political propaganda. Dress Patriotic The power of this exquisite weapon, she realised for the first time in 1763, during the coronation festivities. In Moscow was arranged masquerade “Minerva Triumphant”. Three days on the streets of the mother see of played the allegorical paintings in the genre of folk comedies and booths. Jesters, clowns, barkers, Chumaky with balalaika… Catherine watched from the Windows of Betsky. Many saw her. And noted the special costume of scarlet velvet dress in the popular taste. In that year, the appeal to national identity was important to the Queen, knew perfectly well: and the aristocracy, and the simple Russian soldiers did not

Scientists have explained why it is dangerous to “sit at the TV”

Scientists have explained why it is dangerous to “sit at the TV” MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. Scientists have linked prolonged TV viewing in a sitting position with an increased risk of bowel cancer under 50 years, according to the portal EurekAlert. They analyzed the results of the second phase of the Study health nurses — one of the largest data sets on risk factors for major chronic diseases, which met in the United States since 1989. Scientists drew attention to the “sedentary habits of the participants”, in particular, on the amount of time they spent, “while watching television”. After examining 118 cases of early colorectal cancer, the researchers noticed that at least the hour spent watching TV, increased the likelihood of disease by 12%. For those who daily sat at the TV for more than two hours, the risk was 70% higher. Scientists note that the identified pattern

In Yekaterinburg a student came to a couple dressed as a cat for the sake of competition

In Yekaterinburg a student came to a couple dressed as a cat for the sake of competition Video with the reaction of the teacher discusses the whole country. That not only are young students to receive credit or pass the exam. Here and in the Ural state architectural University students decided to take into account the love of the law Professor Hopes Solopova cats. One of the students wanted so badly to get the coveted entry in the record book that came to Rostov in a couple costume red cat. The video was made last may, but today it is spread around the Internet and was discussed throughout the country. Seeing the ginger cat, Hope Savvichna was delighted and touched. The woman praised the student and appreciated his efforts.

Yuri Chaika has heard of Abraham Russo

Yuri Chaika has heard of Abraham Russo Approved the prosecution in the case about the kidnapping of a singer. As it became known “Kommersant”, the Prosecutor General’s office approved the indictment in the resonant criminal case about the kidnapping in 2004 of the singer Avraam Russo. Order the case came to court, it took the personal intervention of the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia (TFR) Alexander Bastrykin and Prosecutor General Yury Chaika. In late January, the prosecutors returned to the TFR six volumes of the criminal case on the abduction and beating in 2004 of the singer Avraam Russo. The Supervisory authority they were handed over to investigators at the end of December 2018. The corresponding decree was signed by Deputy Prosecutor General Viktor grin, explaining his procedural irregularities in the case file. After reviewing the refusal decision, the Chairman of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin did not agree

The Prosecutor General’s office found new assets of Colonel Zakharchenko on 484 million rubles

The Prosecutor General’s office found new assets of Colonel Zakharchenko on 484 million rubles MOSCOW, 7 Feb — RIA Novosti. The Prosecutor General’s office sent to court a new claim for the forfeiture to the state of property of Colonel Dmitry Zakharchenko, said the official representative of the Supervisory Department Alexander Smoking on the Internet channel of the Ministry “Ether”. This time prosecutors found the Colonel 484 million rubles. Dmitry Zakharchenko, who oversaw the interior Ministry in combating crimes in the fuel and energy complex, was detained in September 2016 on charges of receiving a bribe in seven millions roubles. Later he was charged with several counts of bribery. A huge impact this case has received after it became known that in the apartment of the Colonel’s sister found a warehouse with almost nine billion rubles in different currencies. The origin of the money “fighter against corruption” could not explain.

Senator Arashukov said about custom-made nature of his detention

Senator Arashukov said about custom-made nature of his detention Senator Rauf Arashukov, who was arrested on suspicion of murder and participation in a criminal Association, said in court that he knew about the investigation against him before the arrest. His lawyer Sergey Shishov has told that on January 28, filed to the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation application for participation in investigative actions with his client. “However, about the detention of my client, I learned only from the media and duly notified it was not” — said the lawyer. In addition, the Senator complained that he was kept in a cell with convicted of terrorism. I am a current member of the Federation Council, my camera keep with those convicted of terrorism for 17 years. It is no good. How could this happen? I’m three days from the sleep.Rauf Arashukov quoted by TexnovateDancer, bankrupt the guard: new defendants in

The budget has provided funds for the implementation of the bill on sustainable Runet

The budget has provided funds for the implementation of the bill on sustainable Runet Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — Funds for the establishment of network operation Centre of public communication in the framework of the draft law on the protection of Runet from external threats is provided in the budget for 2019 in the amount of almost 600 million rubles, only three years expected to spend more than 1.8 billion rubles. Relevant data are contained in the Federal law “on the Federal budget in 2019 and the planning period of 2020 and 2021 years”. According to the document, on the establishment and operation of the monitoring Center and network management of public communication and the creation, operation and development of information system for monitoring and network management of public communication planned $ 597 million rubles in 2019. “These funds provided only for the start of this project,” — said “Interfax”

Ukraine’s Parliament enshrined in the Constitution of a course for membership in EU and NATO

Ukraine’s Parliament enshrined in the Constitution of a course for membership in EU and NATO Moscow. 7 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine at a meeting on Thursday adopted in General initiated by the President of amendments to the Constitution concerning the country’s course towards membership in the European Union and NATO. As the correspondent of Agency “Interfax”, for the final approval of the bill on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine concerning the strategic course of the state on the attainment of full membership of Ukraine in EU and NATO (No. 9037) voted 334 deputies. According to the procedure, the final adoption of the draft law with the constitutional change requires at least 300 votes of the parliamentarians. The relevant amendments the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko submitted to the Verkhovna Rada in September 2018. In November, Poroshenko said that the amendments to the Constitution will require

Peskov said on behalf of Putin on the case “Jehovah’s Witnesses”

Peskov said on behalf of Putin on the case “Jehovah’s Witnesses” The presidential administration is preparing a request of President Vladimir Putin banned in Russia as a religious organization “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. This was stated press Secretary of the head of state, Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the sentencing of the follower motion Dennis Christensen. In December 2018, Putin said at a meeting with the Council on human rights had offered “carefully understand” in a situation with the “Jehovah’s Witnesses”. “They also are Christians, for them to pursue — I do not really understand,” he said. “Therefore, the order is, the question will be worked through, but we don’t know in what way. Of course, it will be developed taking into account the entered into force court decision”, — said Peskov. He noticed that the “topic is not easy”. Answering the question whether “Jehovah’s Witnesses” extremist organization from the point of view

The fate of the Vikings reconstructed by dead mosquitoes

The fate of the Vikings reconstructed by dead mosquitoes At the end of the middle Ages, at least in part of Greenland was much warmer than it is now. It was established by a group of scientists on the isotopic composition of organic matter buried at the bottom of local lakes. “Experimental” in this case was the mosquitoes-zvontsov, or rather the remains of them and their larvae, once buried at the bottom of the lake silt. To determine the approximate time of their life and death is relatively easy. The amount of heavy isotope of oxygen 18O in them correlates with the ambient temperature — the higher it is, the more of the heavy isotope. NewsNamed the most popular historical myths The researchers compared the content of 18O in the remains of the insects that lived in the South-East Greenland in the period from 900 to 1400 years, with the