The Chinese media has admitted supplying weapons to enemies of the United States in response to the policy of trump

Donald Trump If the administration elected President of the USA of Donald trump will not adhere to the policy of “one China” and will develop relations with Taiwan, China could begin to sell weapons to enemies of the United States. This is stated in an editorial published on Monday, December 12, at the Chinese English language newspaper the Global Times. “Trump naively believes that it can use the policy of “one China” as a trump card to achieve China’s economic benefit”, — says the publication. As the newspaper notes, if Washington will sell weapons to Taiwan, Beijing will have no reason to consider him as his partner. “In response to the provocation of trump Beijing can offer support and even military aid to forces hostile to the United States,” — warn the authors. The Taiwan authorities, according to The Global Times, may regret that “did trump a pawn for its

Trump considered himself too smart for the daily briefing with intelligence

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump refused to daily briefings by intelligence, which conducts the current head of state Barack Obama. He said this in the big Sunday interview with Fox News channel. Moderator Chris Wallace (Chris Wallace) asked Trump a question, is it true that intends to hold meetings with intelligence only once a week. The President-elect replied that he was ready to do it as needed, and daily meetings need not consider. “If anything changes, let me know, I’ll be ready for you in a minute,” said the future head of state. “You know, I’m a reasonably intelligent man, and I don’t need to hear the same information in the same terms daily for eight years (presidential term in the US is four years, but the President may be re-elected for a second term — approx. “Of the”), “—said trump. Earlier, several media outlets, including Reuters,

The polls predicted the victory of social Democrats in the elections to the Parliament of Romania

The left Social democratic party (PSD) wins the parliamentary elections, held on Sunday, December 11, in Romania. About it reports Reuters with reference to data of exit polls. A survey conducted by the Romanian Institute for assessment and strategy (IRES) showed that the PSD is gaining 45.8 per cent of votes, its main rival, the center-right National liberal party (PNL), -20,8%. According to the exit poll of the Center for urban and regional sociology (CURS) and the sociological service of the Avangarde, the social Democrats won 45.5 percent, while the national liberals of 21.7 per cent. In third place, according to IRES, “Union for the salvation of Romania” with 9.2 percent of the vote. The democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania (DSVR) gaining 6.7 percent, 6.3 percent gets the Alliance of liberals and Democrats, the Party of the people’s movement for 4.7 percent of the vote, the party “United Romania”

The Syrian authorities promised to beat Palmyra in the near future

The Syrian army will return control of Palmyra in the near future. On Sunday, December 11, Talal al-Barazi (Talal al-Barazi), the Governor of the province of HOMS, in which is located the ancient city, said TV channel Al Mayadeen. He also said that the Syrian military are engaged in fierce fighting on the outskirts of Palmyra with the forces of the banned terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG). “Breakthrough militants in Palmyra will not affect the actions of government troops in Aleppo and near Damascus,” assured al-Barrasi, adding that the capture of Palmyra — only temporary success of those who support terrorists. According to the Governor, the IG has deployed to Palmyra from Raqqa and Deir-ez-Zor and Iraq reinforcements numbering about five thousand people, however, the Syrian military continues to fight, and the militants are losing. Also the head the province of HOMS said that government troops evacuated about 80 percent

Syrian authorities have acknowledged the loss of control over Palmyra

The Syrian government army left Palmyra, yielding the positions of militants “Islamic state” (IG; a group banned in Russia). As reported on Sunday, 11 December, Reuters, the statement was made by the provincial Governor of HOMS Talal Barazi (Talal Barazi), the TV channel “al-Ihbariya”. According to him, government forces fighting the terrorists on the outskirts of the city to regain control over it. “This decision was made by the Syrian command in the face of overwhelming forces of the enemy,” Barazi was quoted by TASS. As reported “Interfax” in the center of the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria, the number of militants involved in the attack on Palmyra, is about four thousand. “Despite heavy losses in manpower and technology, terrorists strive to get closer and to gain a foothold inside the city, as the aircraft of Russian air force on residential areas Palmyra bumps does not cause”, —

Media reported about a breakthrough of militants to Palmyra

Action grouping “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia) established full control over the Syrian city of Tadmor, on the outskirts of which are the ruins of Palmyra. On Sunday, December 11, reports TASS with reference to the channel Al Jazeera. The Agency said, citing Al Arabiya, also notes that the gang of terrorists broke into the territory of the ancient city. It is noted that they entered from several directions. The soldiers of the Syrian government forces were forced to retreat, but continue to hold the Fort. In the center of the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria RIA Novosti stated that the Russian aircraft did not strike at residential areas of the city. “Despite heavy losses in manpower and technology, terrorists strive to get closer and to gain a foothold within the city”, — stated in the message. Earlier on December 11, the Agency SANA, citing its

Victims of the Nigerian collapse of the roof of the Church became 160 people

The scene In the South of Nigeria collapsed Church roof, killing at least 160 people. On Sunday, December 10, the Associated Press reports. The incident occurred in the Protestant Church in the city of Uyo (Akwa Ibom state). According to the Agency, the morgue, local hospitals overflowed. BBC News reports that the building was not fully completed. According to local residents, workers hurry to finish the ordination of a Bishop is set for Saturday, December 10 (Sunday GMT). It was during the ceremony and collapsed the roof. Among the survivors of the parishioners — the Governor of the state of Emmanuel Udom (Udom Emmanuel). He promised to investigate and punish violation of safety standards. Data on the number of dead vary: BBC News reports about 60, and a local TV channel APC News reports that victims of at least 200. In April 2015 in new Jersey (USA) during the Easter

The media reported discontent with the US because of Putin’s visit to Japan

Shinzo Abe and Vladimir Putin Tokyo has ignored protests from Washington about the upcoming talks between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe. It is reported by the Agency Kyodo, citing diplomatic sources. It is noted that last month the U.S. has repeatedly opposed the meeting between Putin and Abe in the Japanese capital because of fears that the summit could lead to the weakening of the “pressure on Moscow from the Group of seven.” In spite of this, indicates Kyodo, Thursday, 8 December, Japan said that the Russian leader will visit the country on 15 and 16 December. The meeting between Putin and Abe will be held in Tokyo, and also in the city of Nagato (Yamaguchi Prefecture). “President Putin’s visit will further promote” bilateral relations, said Japanese foreign Ministry. 6 Dec Tsugumi Muraoka, the Governor of Yamaguchi Prefecture, said he wants to invite the

The death toll in Istanbul attack rose to 29

Continued: the Turkish Authorities have declared mourning in connection with the attack The attack in Istanbul, according to the latest figures, killed 29 people and injured 166. As reported Reuters, said on a press-conferences the Minister of internal Affairs of Turkey Suleyman Soylu. Previously unofficially reported killed 13-15. According to the head of the interior Ministry, 27 of the 29 dead were police officers. 17 of the wounded were operated on, and six are in intensive care. Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus reported that the first was undermined planted in the car bomb, 45 seconds later blew himself up suicide bomber. According to Soylu in connection with the attack have been detained 10 people. The explosion occurred on Saturday, 10 Dec, 22.30 GMT in the Besiktas district of Central Istanbul, near the stadium Vodafone Arena, after the match between the football teams “Besiktas” and “Bursaspor”. The aim of the attack

The head of ExxonMobil considered it “a great honor” to lead the state Department

Rex Tillerson Director of ExxonMobil Corporation, Rex Tillerson, who is considered the main contender for the post of U.S. Secretary of state in a future administration, told President-elect, Donald Trump, that it will be a great honor to lead the state Department. About it reports CNN with reference to the sources. It is anticipated that trump will announce his choice in the middle of next week. “It is much more than a business Manager. He’s a world class player. He says, I think, the biggest company in the world,” Tillerson described the President-elect. According to him, the head of ExxonMobil — the fact that he knows many of the world’s top players. “He makes a very big deal in Russia, he concludes large transactions. For the company, not for themselves, for the company,” added trump. While MITT Romney is still seen as the state Secretary, this trump calls the future