The Nigerian President announced the capture of the last stronghold of the Boko Haram

The President of Nigeria Mohammed Buhari stated that the country’s army seized the last fortified camp of insurgents of grouping “the West African province of the “Islamic state”” (old name “Boko Haram”, prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. “The head of staff of the army informed me that the camp fell on 23 December at 13:35 and the terrorists fled, and they have nowhere else to hide,” said Bukhari. According to him, the “fall “Camp Zero” marks the final defeat of the terrorists from the “Boko Haram” in their last enclave in the woods Sambisa”. The capture of the extremists was the result of a large-scale offensive of the Nigerian army. According to military, fighters flee from the forest Sambisa, residents in the surrounding area are asked to be alert and actively assist the militias. The group “Boko Haram” (translated means “Western education is a sin”), established in 2002,

Russia declared a national mourning

Monday, December 26, declared in Russia by day of national mourning. Such decision in connection with the plane crash over the Black sea, was made by President Vladimir Putin. In addition, the Russian leader decided to lower a little national flags throughout the country; to offer cultural institutions and broadcasting companies to cancel entertaining actions and transfers; to take necessary measures on rendering assistance to families of the victims. In a plane crash involving aircraft Tu-154B-2 223-aircraft division of the Ministry of defense killed 92 people: 84 passengers and 8 crew members. On Board were the artists of the song and dance ensemble of the Alexandrov, headed by Director Valery Khalilov, the journalists of the three TV channels (First, the “Stars” and NTV), the military, and a few others, including the Executive Director of the Fund “Fair aid” Elizaveta Glinka (known as Dr. Lisa) and the head of the Department

Russia has clarified its position on Israeli settlements

The construction of the Israeli settlement of har Homa Russia’s foreign Minister explained the country’s position on the issue of Israeli settlements in the Palestinian territories. The corresponding statement posted on the website of the Russian foreign Ministry on Saturday, December 24. “The Russian Federation voted “for” [the adoption of UN security Council resolution demanding to stop the construction of settlements], on the basis that its content is based on proven formulations, reflecting a common and repeatedly reaffirmed the international community’s position on the illegality of Israeli settlement activities”, — stated in the text. The diplomats emphasized that Russia proceeded from the fact that “the greatest positive effect of the adoption of the resolution on this urgent issue on the international agenda, could be achieved if its consensus support.” “All our experience confirms that the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, with the yield on the two-state solution is possible only

U.S. Ambassador to Russia expressed his condolences to those killed in the crash of Tu-154

John Tefft U.S. Ambassador to Russia John Tefft expressed his condolences in connection with the crash of Tu-154 of the Ministry of defence in Sochi. This was reported by the official representative of the U.S. Embassy Maria Olson on Twitter. — Maria Olson (@USEmbRuPress) December 25, 2016, 09:06 The Secretary General of the Council of Europe Thorbjorn Jagland also expressed his condolences to Russia in connection with the crash, reports “Interfax”. “Our thoughts are with the families and friends of the victims. We think of them in this sad time for Russia day,” — said Jagland. Earlier on December 25, the condolences expressed by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev. The Tu-154 223-aircraft division of the Ministry of defence disappeared from radars at 05:27 MSK on December 25 after taking off from Sochi. Where he came from near Moscow Chkalovsky to refuel. The aircraft was

Netanyahu summoned the ambassadors of the countries-members of the UN security Council for resolution on settlements

Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned to the foreign Ministry the ambassadors of the countries members of the Security Council (SC) of the United Nations in connection with the adoption of a resolution condemning settlement activity, the Jewish state in the occupied Palestinian territories. It is reported by The Jerusalem Post. We are talking about the heads of 12 diplomatic missions of the States members of the security Council, with which Israel established diplomatic relations. As writes the edition, in that there would be nothing unusual if not for the timing of Netanyahu, the day is celebrated Catholic Christmas. Many ambassadors are in this regard, the vacations, and therefore, the foreign Ministry of Israel will come to their residual entity that is of a lower rank. The newspaper adds that during the Cabinet meeting, Netanyahu literally hit with criticism of the U.S. administration and American President Barack Obama. “We

Netanyahu refused to accept, because of the vote of Ukraine in the security Council

Volodymyr Groysman Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided to cancel the visit of the head of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers Volodymyr Groysman, who was to arrive in Israel next week. This writes the newspaper Haaretz. A senior official in Jerusalem said that the decision was taken in light of the Ukraine vote in support of UN security Council resolution criticizing Israeli policy of settlement of the Palestinian question. As the newspaper notes, Groisman, the first Jew Prime Minister of Ukraine, was appointed in April 2016, he has a family in the Israeli city of Ashdod. Before his election as Prime Minister Groysman was the mayor of Vinnytsia, where he was known to have taken an active part in Jewish community life and the strengthening of its relations with foreign countries, especially Israel. On 23 December the UN security Council approved a resolution, demanding tel Aviv to stop settlement construction

Trump announced the closure of its charitable Foundation

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump said Saturday, December 24 that he intends to dissolve his charity Foundation, whose activities are being investigated by the attorney General of new York. About it reports Reuters. Trump did not lead the chart of curtailing activities, but stated that he would like to avoid any conflict of interests when he is President. Earlier this week, trump said that his son Eric will stop collecting money for the Fund due to concerns that it may be regarded as “buying access” to the family of President-elect. However, a spokesman for the attorney General’s office said that trump is not entitled to close the Fund, while the investigation is ongoing. Even before trump’s victory in the elections on 8 November, attorney General of new York Eric Schneiderman has written to the Fund an order to stop taking money. He pointed out that the Fund violated

Assistant trump refused to work in the White house

Jason Miller Assistant elected President of the USA of Donald trump Jason Miller, who two days ago were invited to engage in public relations in the new administration, announced on Saturday that it will not work in the White house. This publication reports Politico. According to Miller, he decided that he needed to spend more time with family. Next month he and his wife are expecting their second child. On 22 December it was announced that press Secretary for the new President will be the representative of the National Committee of the Republican party, Sean Spicer. Also trump called Miller among their colleagues that will work in leading positions in the line of public relations. He also mentioned hope Hicks and Dan Scavino. The President has decided on candidates for key positions. The White house administration will lead Pribus Raines, the attorney General will be the Senator from Alabama Jeff

In North Carolina as a result of firing 4 people died

As a result of shooting in the us state of North Carolina killed four people, reports CBS News, citing local authorities. The incident occurred in Wilson County on Saturday afternoon, December 24. According to the press Secretary of the Sheriff, law enforcement officers engaged in the identification of dead and notification of their families. Other details not yet reported. According to local residents, it is a quiet area where such incidents haven’t happened yet.

The journalists accused the UN chief of bribery

UN Secretary-General and former foreign Minister of South Korea ban Ki-moon was accused of receiving bribes. This is stated in the published on Saturday, December 24, article on the results of investigative journalism edition of Sisa Journal. The article reports that ban Ki-moon received a total of 230 thousand dollars as a “gift” from businessman Park Yeon cha. The initial amount of $ 200 thousand dollars a businessman handed over to a future UN Secretary General on 3 may 2005. This came after talks held the position of Minister ban Ki-moon with the Vietnamese counterpart, who arrived in Seoul for a visit. As specifies the edition, money Pak, who was then the honorary Consul of Vietnam in South Korea, carried in a sports bag. In 2007, the businessman handed over to ban Ki-moon 30 thousand dollars. The UN Secretary General, and the businessman has already stated that the accusations are