In Athens, an armed attack on riot police

In the centre of Athens, an armed attack on a special forces unit of the police guarding the headquarters of the PASOK party. As a result, one police officer was injured, reports on Tuesday, January 10, the Athens news Agency. Attacking from a close range shot three times in the bus of riot police, who took on the duty. The incident occurred at 06:18 local time (07:18 MSK). It is reported that two bullets hit the windshield, and another in the wall of the building. A policeman was wounded by shrapnel in the stomach and thigh. He was taken to the hospital. According to the Agency, the attacker fled in the exarcheia district, where many anarchist organizations. Police are searching for the gunman. Currently, it turns out, whether he acted alone or had accomplices. Panhellenic socialist movement (PASOK) is a center-left party. Founded in 1974 it has become the ruling.

U.S. senators will present a bill on “comprehensive” sanctions against Russia

John McCain In the U.S. Congress will have before it the draft law, which envisages the introduction of a “comprehensive” sanctions against Russia for its “attempts to influence the election of 2016”. About it reports Reuters. With the corresponding initiative was made by the Republican Senator John McCain and senators-Democrats Ben Cardin and Robert Menendez. December 29, 2016, the United States imposed sanctions against a number of citizens and organizations of Russia, including the FSB, and sent 35 of Russian diplomats and their family members. On the same day, the NSA and the FBI published a joint paper in which he accused the Russian authorities of involvement in the cyber attacks with the aim to promote the victory of the candidate-Republican Donald trump. Moscow all accusations of this kind consistently rejects. The US presidential election in which trump has bypassed the competitor from the Democrats, Hillary Clinton, was held November

The Supreme court of Venezuela has responded to the attempted removal of Maduro

Nicolas Maduro (centre) The Supreme court of Venezuela stated that the national Assembly has no powers that would allow her to remove the President from power. About it reports TASS. The Supreme court recalled its judgment of 15 November 2016, which States that the national Assembly should stop preparing for the establishment of a “political responsibility” of the President. In addition, MPs are forbidden “to call for actions that violate public order and conduct, inciting against authorities and powers, and to act beyond its powers defined by the Constitution.” Previously opposition-controlled Parliament declared Maduro to leave his post. For the resolution voted 106 deputies out of the 163 empowered. Pro-government parliamentarians left the hall. The paper argues that Maduro failed to fulfill their duties. According to deputies from the opposition, the President is responsible for the economic and social crisis in the country, and for obstructing the work of the

The US imposed sanctions against Bastrykin in connection with the Magnitsky case

Alexander Bastrykin The U.S. Treasury has extended the sanctions associated with the “Magnitsky case”, five Russians. The announcement and the list of new defendants published on Monday, January 9, on the Agency’s website. Sanctions were imposed against the Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, the investigator Stanislav Gordievsky, businessman Dmitry Kovtun, a state Duma Deputy Andrei Lugovoi and of the defendant conducted by the Fund Hermitage Capital investigation Gennady Plaksin, accused of participation in fraud schemes as a nominee of the head. At the end of December 2016, President Barack Obama signed the law on defence spending in 2017, which restricts military cooperation with Russia, gives a global status to the “Magnitsky act” and provides for the supply of weapons to the Syrian opposition. Prior to this, the Ministry of Commerce of the United States expanded sanctions list of Russian companies, including 23 organizations. Washington has also

Dni’s office is putting US predicted the risk of conflict in the next five years

The Director of National intelligence of the USA James Klepper In the next five years, the risk of conflict between and within countries will increase to an unprecedented level since the cold war. To such conclusion analysts of the National intelligence of the United States, reports Reuters Monday, January 9. According to the authors of the report “Global trends: a Paradox of progress,” it will happen due to the fact that the present world order undermine the anti-globalization and nationalism. As factors shaping the “dark and difficult near future”, experts have identified regional conflicts, terrorism, growing inequality in terms of income, climate change, weak economic growth, as well as “increasingly assertive” Russia and China. The report also noted that in the coming decades will increase the level of threat of terrorism, which will come from small groups and individuals, “armed with new ideas and technologies.” The report was published less

The Italian movement “Five stars” has decided to abandon euroscepticism

Beppe Grillo Italian opposition movement “Five stars” comes from a faction of British politics Nigel Farage’s “Europe of freedom and democracy”, uniting eurosceptics in the European Parliament (EP). This was reported in his blog, the founder and leader of the Italian party Beppe Grillo. In a message to supporters, he wrote that the UK independence Party (UKIP) Farage, a member of the faction, after a referendum on Britain’s membership of the EU “achieved its political goal.” In this regard, Grillo suggested deputies of the movement “Five stars” go to the faction of the Alliance of liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE), chaired by the former Belgian Prime Minister guy Verhofstadt. According to The Local, many supporters accused the movement of “Five stars” in the rejection of euroscepticism, and in an effort to strengthen its position in the European Parliament, where only fractional parties have political weight and receive funding from

In Berlin thinking over granting asylum to victims of right-wing

Andreas Gisel The government of the Federal state of Berlin does not exclude the possibility of reviewing applications for asylum migrants affected by the actions of the far right. This was stated by the Berlin Senator for internal Affairs, the representative of the party SPD Andreas Gisel in an interview with the newspaper Tagesspiegel. So, under the new law, immigrants witness the attack or the victims of the attack will be in the country up until the ongoing trial, after which they are likely to be deported. In some cases after the trial they will be granted asylum. Geisel noted that such a decision should be a “strong political signal” for those who commit racially motivated crimes. “Those who have been subjected to violence from the extreme right will be two times more protected and not subjected to deportation”, — quotes the edition of his words. A similar law has

Chinese media warned the US revenge of Beijing in the case of recognition of Taiwan

Cai Inven in the Houston airport, January 2017 The Chinese media has threatened revenge in Washington if elected President, Donald trump will abandon its policy of “one China.” The corresponding statement contains an editorial in the state newspaper of China The Global Times. “The requirement to adhere to the principle of “one China” — not a whim of the PRC, — stated in the text. — Each President of the United States must respect this principle if it wants to maintain Sino-us relations at the appropriate level and with respect for order prevailing in the Asia-Pacific region. If trump into office, will abandon its policy of “one China,” our people demand from government retaliation. This is not a topic for negotiations”. The indignation of the Chinese press called meeting of the Taiwan leader Tsai Inven with several Republican politicians in the U.S. city of Houston Sunday, January 8. Despite a

The Turkish military has reported the destruction of 48 of the Islamists

Turkish military in Syria The Turkish military on Sunday, January 8, killed 48 militants “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters with reference to the official statement of the press service of the Turkish Armed forces. As follows from the text of the document, the Islamists were eliminated as a result of joint action of the army and air force. The planes also destroyed 23 fortified positions of the militants, the statement said. Dec 28, Turkey reported the destruction of al-Bab 44 militants, terrorists another 117 were injured. Two days earlier the press Secretary of the Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin said that during the recent fighting at El-Bab, the Turkish military and allied forces of the Syrian free army (FSA) destroyed 226 of the Islamists. Heavy fighting in al-Bab, continue for several weeks. Turkish troops and their allies of the free Syrian army (FSA) are trying

In Serbia introduced the “red” level of risk due to frost and snow

On the whole territory of Serbia declared the highest “red” level of risk due to frost and snowfall. On Sunday, January 8, reports TASS. More than a hundred settlements in the mountainous regions of the country were cut off from the outside world. According to the representative of emergency situations Ministry of interior of Serbia’s zivko of Babović (zivko Baboli), have been evacuated over a hundred people. The situation on major roads, as reported by Babovic, has improved compared to the previous day, but on the roads of the third and fourth priority (small rural road) remains difficult. The lowest temperature recorded in Serbia on 8 January, was minus 27 degrees. Snowfalls in some regions last third day. The height of the snow reaches four meters. Earlier snow storm blocked Pesterska plateau more than 10 thousand people. In numerous accidents throughout the country dozens of people were injured. “Television and