The number of detained rioters in Washington exceeded 200

In Washington, where continuing unrest in connection with the inauguration of the 45th President of the USA of Donald trump, police detained at least 217 people. About it reports Reuters. During the clashes with activists were injured six police officers. The detainees will be detained all night, the next day they appear before the court. Protests take place a few blocks from Pennsylvania Avenue, where there are official celebrations on the occasion of trump’s office. Throughout the city groups the protesters are chanting slogans against trump and carrying placards “trump is not the President” and “Make racists afraid again”. The riots began during the inauguration ceremony. The protesters began fighting with police. Approximately 500 people in masks-balaclavas or scarves obscuring the face, marched through the center of Washington, smashing Windows and breaking glass in parked cars and stores.

The Senate approved the Mattis to the post of Minister of defense

James Mattis The U.S. Senate approved retired General of the marine Corps James Mattis to the post of Minister of defense. The decision was taken at a meeting on Friday, January 20, according to Reuters. He became the first member of the new administration, who approved after the inauguration of US President Donald trump. “For” vote of 98 senators out of 100, against one person, one legislator abstained. Previously on 20 January, trump signed a document allowing Mattis to take the post of defense Minister. Prior to this, Congress passed a new law to repeal existing regulations which the Minister of defence should not be in the previous seven years on active duty. January 12, in the course of the approval procedure, the retired General called Russia the main threat to the United States. Thus in his written statement to lawmakers, he explained that he supports the desire of the

Chelsea manning thanked Barack Obama for a commutation of sentence

Chelsea Manning A former soldier of the us army Chelsea manning thanked President Barack Obama for leniency. She wrote about this in his microblog in Twitter on Thursday, January 19. “Thank you, Barack Obama, gave me the chance,” reads the entry. — Chelsea Manning (@xychelsea) 19 January 2017, 14:09 BBC News notes that the recipient of gratitude, Barack Obama personally, as in the message specified the address of his own microblog, and not the official account of the President of the United States, which Friday, January 20, will be transferred to the jurisdiction of the elected President of Donald trump. The informant of WikiLeaks, U.S. army private Bradley manning, later had a sex change, was arrested in may 2010. He was accused of transfer of about 700 thousand classified documents relating to US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. The most famous leak was a 39-minute video showing the killing

The media learned about the plans for trump to sign the first Executive orders on inauguration day

Donald Trump The US President-elect Donald trump will sign the first Executive orders in the day of his inauguration on January 20. On Thursday, January 19, reports Reuters with reference to the employee’s transition team Republican According to him, trump selected about 200 decrees that from them he chose and signed the most important. The news Agency learned that the new occupant of the White house, in particular, wants to cancel a number of documents of his predecessor, Barack Obama, to take the first steps to realize ideas on construction of a wall on the border with Mexico and restricting immigration. In addition, Reuters found out about the plans for the trump 21 January to visit the headquarters of the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), whose work he criticized during the election campaign and beyond. January 19 in new York held a protest against trump. Along with the ordinary public it

Former President of Gambia agreed to cede power to a successor

Yahya Jammeh Lost the election the President of the Gambia Yahya Jammeh, who headed the Republic since 1994, has agreed to resign and leave the country. Reuters said Mai Ahmed Fattah, Advisor to the new President Adam barrow. Fattah showed the tweet to the Twitter account, which, as expected, belongs to the barrow, and asked for clarification, is it true that Jammeh agreed to the deal. “So it is,” he said. Presidential elections in the Gambia were held on 1 December 2016. Barrow scored 45.5 percent of the vote, Jammeh 36.7 percent. January 18, the national Assembly extended the presidential powers lost the election Jammeh. He had to hand over power barrow on January 19, but instead introduced a state of emergency, although earlier it was reported about the recognition of his defeat. The world community has not recognized the claims of the Jamma, and the neighbors of the Gambia

In Washington, the opponents of the trump broke Windows and scuffled with police

In Washington on the eve of the inauguration of Donald trump, the opponents of the elected President scuffled with police. About it reports Reuters. Approximately 500 people in masks-balaclavas or scarves obscuring the face, marched through the downtown, smashing Windows and breaking glass in parked cars and stores. Suffered, in particular, branches Bank of America, McDonald’s and Starbucks. From the slogans of the protesters followed, and thus they oppose the capitalist system. The crowd carried banners and flags with inscriptions “will Force the racists to be afraid”. Protest organizers explained that the activists are dissatisfied with trump’s statements about women, illegal migrants and Muslims. In addition, they believe that the elected President will continue the policy of American imperialism. In the end, the protesters faced moved forward to meet them, a special unit of the riot, which used gas and stun grenades. In Washington, pointed out by the Agency, gathered

Trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the people

Donald trump in his inaugural speech promised to return power to the American people. Live webcast of the event leads the TV channel “Russia 24”. “We will stand the challenges we will face difficult times, but we’ll manage,” said the US President. “We now return power to the people, which for too long held politicians in Washington, he said. — Too long a small group of politicians in Washington has flourished, while the people suffered. The establishment defended itself, and not the people. Their victories were not your victories, triumphs, your triumphs. Poor family suffered. I swear, this will change. This moment — your right. No matter that now one party after another. It is important that January 20, 2017 is the day when people once again became rulers of their country. They will never allow to forget about themselves and not to be reckoned with”. In Washington near the

The number of survivors under the rubble of a hotel in Italy has reached 10 people

The number of survivors under the rubble of the hotel “Rugapiana” in the Italian province of Pescara reached ten people, including four children and one woman. According to La Repubblica, on Friday evening, January 20, managed to extract two more guests. “The rescue operation is very long and complicated”, — quotes Reuters the press Secretary of the fire Department Luke brown. Earlier Friday, reported eight survivors, including two children, three women and three men. Also rescuers found the bodies of two dead. On the same day in the Internet appeared the video of the rescue operation. Avalanche has covered “Rugapiana” on January 18. At this point there were 30 people. The cause of the collapse of the snow was a series of tremors that occurred in the area of the mountain massif of Gran Sasso d’italia. Three earthquakes of magnitudes ranging from 5.3 to 5.5 was recorded on the same

Soros saw trump the tendency to dictatorship

George Soros The policy of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump fail, and he could become a dictator. This was stated in an interview with Bloomberg, billionaire investor George Soros. “I would describe him [trump] as a liar, cheater and a potential dictator. But it is only a potential dictator, as I believe that the Constitution and the political institutions of the United States strong enough… He would be a dictator if he could get away with water, but he cannot do it,” said the billionaire. Soros expressed confidence that the policy of trump is doomed to failure because of its internal contradictions, some of which represent the advisors of the elected President. Speaking about the prospects of world markets, the billionaire said that now they are at the “peak of uncertainty” that prevents long-term investment. 12 January it became known that Soros lost a billion dollars

Denmark will send 60 soldiers to Syria to fight ISIS

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Denmark, Anders Samuelsen expressed the readiness of the Kingdom to send to Syria, 60 special forces soldiers to conduct operations against the terrorist group “Islamic state” (IG, is prohibited in Russia). About it reports Reuters. “I’m glad the majority in the Parliament bowed to this decision,” said Samuelsen. He also added that the Danish military will act in the immediate vicinity of the border with Iraq. The timing of sending soldiers and officers in the area of operations is not reported. Since April last year, members of the Folketing (Parliament) has blocked the initiative of the government on the placement of troops in Syria. Currently, in the Arab Republic are teams of US special forces who are assisting the local forces in the fight against ISIS. Group of soldiers are on the territory of the country without the consent of the government of Syria