Media reported about the arrest in Vienna on 22 people from Chechnya

In Vienna on suspicion of terrorism detained 22 people from Chechnya. On Saturday, February 4, the newspaper Kleine Zeitung, citing Austrian police. Operation on detention was carried out yesterday evening on the Danube island (Danube island). According to the newspaper Kronen Zeitung, a signal to law enforcement agencies received approximately 20:45 local time. The island was spotted a suspicious group of about 30 men. When the guards arrived at the scene immediately crashed into several parts. Five men in the conversation with the police claimed that they just walked in after a certain celebration. Then the police called for reinforcements in the face of two police officers and representatives of the Viennese anti-terrorist group WEGA. During the inspection of the surrounding area they found hidden in the snow gun, a rifle and plenty of ammunition. 22 natives of Chechnya in age from 25 to 47 years were arrested. Circumstances of

A third of people in the US called Russia a hostile state

A third of people in the US called Russia a hostile state, another 22 percent consider it the enemy of his country. This is evidenced by the results of a survey conducted by YouGov. The study involved 7150 residents of the United States. They were asked to Express their opinion about Washington’s relations with 144 countries of the world. Each Respondent was supposed to deliver 15 randomly selected from the list of States to one of five categories: “ally”, “friendly state”, “hostile state”, “enemy” or “don’t know”. The list of enemies of Russia was in sixth place (22 per cent), and the list of unfriendly countries on the second (33 per cent) after China (34%). It is also noted that among the respondents who voted in the US presidential election for Hillary Clinton, the number of those who considered Russia to the enemies, is almost four times higher (39 percent)

Billionaire viola refused the appointment as Secretary of the U.S. army

Vincent Viola Billionaire Vincent viola, nominated by the President of the United States Donald trump for the post of Secretary of the army, refused the appointment. About it writes USA Today. According to the publication, the fact that the viola will not be able to combine work in the Ministry with the conduct of a business. Pentagon chief James Mattis have expressed frustration with the failure of the entrepreneur to the destination, but noted that “understands and respects his decision”. The defense Minister also added that in the near future, recommends that the head of state a new candidate. He viola in his statement, which was published by the Military Times, said that he appreciates the confidence of the President and will continue to provide him and his administration “their unwavering support”. Department of the Army USA is part of the Ministry of defence. The Minister responsible for human resources,

Duterte promised the Communists the war the length of a generation

Rodrigo Duterte The President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte announced the resumption of the war against the Communist underground. About it reports Reuters. “I lost a lot of soldiers in the last 48 hours, said the Philippine leader. — I think that the continuation of the truce leads nowhere. I ask the soldiers: return to camp, clean the gun, be ready for battle. I’m really sorry. I tried to do everything in my power, but it was not enough. Peace with the Communist party will not. Let us resume the war. I’m sad to say it, but the next generation of the world by the Communists will not see.” Dissatisfaction with Duterte caused repeated violation by fighters of the Communist New people’s army (NPA) of the cease-fire that was to expire on 10 February. Over the past two days, government forces lost in clashes with the guerrillas, seven killed and

Italy and the EU pledged to Fund the camp of migrants in Libya

Italy and the European Union signed an agreement in which they undertake to Fund camps for migrants in Libya. About it reports Reuters. Their signatures under the document was signed by the Italian Prime Minister, Paolo Gentiloni and his Libyan colleague Faiz Sarraj. In addition to the allocation of funds, Italy will also provide training camps and units, fighting the smuggling of refugees, and provide them with the necessary equipment. In addition, rim will provide Libyans with the necessary amount of medication. The Italian government also promised to support the government Saraga fighting with the Islamists. As follows from the agreement, the migrant will stay in the camps until “until they are deported or voluntarily agree to return to the country from which the profit”. The transaction was approved by all European leaders: they hope that this will help stop the flow of refugees across the Mediterranean. The office of

The United States expanded sanctions against Iran

Washington expanded economic sanctions against Iran. This was reported on the website of the Ministry of Finance of the USA. Under the restrictions were 13 individuals, some of whom are citizens of Iran, UAE, China, Kuwait and Lebanon, and 12 companies. Businesses based in the Islamic Republic, Lebanon, China and the United Arab Emirates. In the American Ministry of Finance explained that the extension of sanctions related to the Iranian programme, ballistic missiles, and support Tehran’s Lebanese Shiite movement “Hezbollah”, which in the United States as terrorist. The nuclear deal thus will not be affected. Earlier, on 3 February the President of the United States Donald trump has again criticized the leadership of the Islamic Republic, stressing that Iran is playing with fire. “They don’t appreciate how good it [the previous] President [Barack] Obama. I’m not!” warned the American leader. On January 29, the Iranian military about 200 kilometers from

Czech Prime Minister swore at the Minister of Finance for alleged tax evasion

Bohuslav Sobotka Prime Minister of Czech Republic Bohuslav Sobotka has accused the Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Andrew Babish tax evasion. The head of the government wrote on Friday, February 3, on his page in Facebook. In particular, he reported that billionaire Babish operations with securities thoroughly “deceived” the Czech state. While Sobotka had used obscene word. Babish in response to all the accusations said that perhaps this reaction is a new style of communication of the Prime Minister of the country. In his Twitter Sobotka later explained that his page in the social network was not hacked. “Yes, Andrew Babish do not spared the Czech state. We must speak it like it is” — he wrote in the microblog. — Bohuslav Sobotka (@SlavekSobotka) 03 Feb 2017, 09:00 According to “true European”, Sobotka accused the Minister of Finance that he has not paid the turnover taxes of the bonds

A Federal judge has blocked a decree trump on immigration policy

Continuation: Citizens caught in the decree of the trump countries were allowed entry into the United States A Federal judge in Seattle, Washington, has temporarily blocked the action in the U.S. the decree of the President of Donald trump to toughen immigration policy. About it reports on Friday, February 3, Reuters. The decision of judge James Robart, which entered into force upon its adoption, provides for the abolition of restrictions on travel by U.S. citizens in seven countries, fell under the decree of the trump. “This decision now reverses the decree of the government”, — said the Prosecutor General of Washington, Bob Ferguson. Earlier, on 3 February suspended the decree of the trump judge for the Eastern district of Michigan, Victoria Roberts. According to its decree, it is prohibited “to refuse entry to the United States to those who live in the country legally on a permanent basis, as well

The Pentagon has recorded of Iran, the main sponsors of terrorism

James Mattis The Minister of defence of the USA James Mattis called Iran one of the main sponsors of terrorism. As reported TASS, he stated this on Saturday, February 4, at a press conference in Tokyo following the meeting with his Japanese counterpart Tomomi Indoi. “With regard to Iran, this state is one of the main sponsors of global terrorism. We need to bring it to Iran,” he said. At the same time, the Pentagon noted that sees no need in building up the American military presence in the middle East because of the problems of the Islamic Republic. 3 Feb Advisor to the President for national security Michael Flynn said that Washington will not tolerate “provocations” from Iran, which threaten the interests of the United States. “The time of closed eyes on a hostile and belligerent actions of Iran against the United States and the world community ended,” said

Police arrested 17-year-old Colombian for three dozen murders

Law enforcement agencies of Colombia have detained 17-the summer young man, known by the nickname “Frijolito” (the character of the popular television series — approx. “Of the”), on suspicion of committing at least 30 homicides in Cali. Reported by Terra Columbia. The name of the suspect because of his minority is not disclosed. As stated by the commander of the Cali police, Hugo Casas, the alleged offender started to commit murder 12 years after it came into the city from the Department of Cauca, where he lived with his parents. On account of “Frijolito”, according to investigators, more than 30 crimes, including double murder at a local shopping Mall. As the police believes, first the young man was in one of the local gangs, and then headed his own gang, which was engaged in murders and drug trafficking. Currently, the detainee is in a rehab center for minors after