The Iraqi MP explained why Baghdad needs systems s-400

The Iraqi MP explained why Baghdad needs systems s-400 TASS. Iraq seeks to have at its disposal missile system s-400 to protect their territory and the skies from aerial threats. This was stated in Saturday’s edition of Al Ghad Regev Committee on defense and security of the Iraqi Parliament, Hakim al-Zamili. “Iraq has the right to have advanced weapons to protect their land and skies from aerial threats, he said. Terrorism aimed at our country, where many of the saints for every Iraqi places. There are signs and warnings that extremists may use aircraft for attacks on these shrines, which leads to greater anxiety and concern in the country, as happened after the attack on the shrines in Samarra”. This city is home to several Shiite shrines, including those built in the year 944 the mosque of al-Askari, considered one of the centers of Shiite religious pilgrimage. February 22, 2006

The United States suspected Russia of cyber attack on Olympic Pyeongchang

The United States suspected Russia of cyber attack on Olympic Pyeongchang Moscow. 25 Feb. INTERFAX.RU — According to American intelligence, Russian security services organized a large-scale cyber attack on the computers of the Olympic Pyeongchang, which led to mass failures during the opening of the Olympic games in South Korea, writes in the Sunday Washington Post, citing its sources. The source told the publication that the attack was carried out so that the first suspicions fell on North Korea; however, according to us intelligence, behind them is Moscow, which wanted to avenge the IOC for the non-admission of the Russian team at the Olympics. Organizers in Pyeongchang have confirmed that on opening day, February 9, they become the victim of a cyber attack, but did not make any statements about who is behind it. It is reported that there were interruptions with Internet access, work broadcasting systems; many users are

Conversation with a tramp has upset the plans of the President of Mexico’s visit to the United States

Conversation with a tramp has upset the plans of the President of Mexico’s visit to the United States Phone conversation with U.S. President Donald trump has upset the plans of Mexican President Enrique peña Nieto’s planned visit to the United States. 12фотографий12фотографий12фотографий Trip postponed for an unknown period of time, the conversation between the two leaders is ambiguous, reports TASS with reference to the American press. Telephone conversation trump and peña Nieto lasted 50 minutes, and politicians discussed the construction of the wall started by the United States on the border with Mexico. None of the presidents did not yield to the other, in the end, trump “lost patience,” said the media source. The President of Mexico was to visit US in February or March. Previously, trump has refused to support immigration reform without building a wall on the border with Mexico.

The head of the General staff of Ukraine told about the preparation for “full-scale war” with Russia

The head of the General staff of Ukraine told about the preparation for “full-scale war” with Russia The head of the General staff of Ukraine Viktor Muzhenko in the air “Radio Liberty” in response to a reporter’s question about preparing for “full-scale war” with Russia, said that Ukraine has fulfilled the plans in case of Russian “aggression”. “The experts determine Russia’s willingness (to a “large-scale war.”— “B”) three years later, and we identify different stages of readiness and different scales as a provocative action and possible large-scale operations, large-scale aggression against Ukraine”, — said Mr. Muzhenko. According to him, Ukraine should be prepared “and in this moment, tomorrow or in a week, and a year later, and after three years, and until such time as such a threat (armed aggression.— “B”) will not disappear in Ukraine”. Five days ago the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has signed the law on

Nebesa: the Russian Federation will not allow arbitrary interpretation of UN security Council resolution on ceasefire in Syria

Permanent representative to the UN, Vasily Nebenzia © Valery sharifulin/TASS UN 24 Feb. /TASS/. Russia will not allow arbitrary interpretation adopted by UN Security Council resolution on the establishment of the ceasefire in Syria, and requires the United States to stop threatening Damascus. This was stated on Saturday, Russia’s permanent representative at the world organization Vassily Nebenzia at the end of voting in the security Council.

Starts early voting herders and explorers on the election of 2018

Starts early voting herders and explorers on the election of 2018 MOSCOW, Feb 25 — RIA Novosti. Early voting in the elections of the President of Russia for voters living and working in remote and inaccessible areas of the country, workers of polar stations, as well as sailors who on the voting day, March 18, will be swimming, will begin in several regions of Russia since Sunday. We are not talking about early voting in the classic sense of the word, when early can vote all voters, the Institute for Federal elections in Russia is not applicable in principle, but in campaigns at other levels its use is now greatly minimized and preserved only in municipal elections. Traditionally early voting during Federal campaigns organized in several regions for small groups of voters who reside in distant places, go swimming, work on the polar stations, and therefore will not be able

The CEC will investigate the error of the Tula electoral Committee

The CEC will investigate the error of the Tula electoral Committee MOSCOW, 24 Feb — RIA Novosti. The CEC of Russia is conducting an internal investigation because of the erroneous publication of data on turnout in the conduct of training on preparation for presidential elections by the electoral Commission in the Tula region, told RIA Novosti Deputy Chairman of the Agency Nikolay Bulaev. Earlier media reported that the territorial Commission of the Tula region during the training to prepare for the elections on March 18, placed on the website information about voter turnout. The system administrator had mistakenly installed a non-training, and the working mode of the system, so the data came to the site. “Admitted the mistake, when the training material came on the official website. There is an internal investigation… Sure to be a set reason why this has happened. An additional reason for a training exercise were

The UN security Council adopted a resolution on the establishment in Syria of a 30-day truce

The UN security Council adopted a resolution on the establishment in Syria of a 30-day truce UN, 24 Feb — RIA Novosti. The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution establishing a 30-day cease-fire in Syria and further relief operations in the country. The document requires that all parties “without delay ceased the collision” and was committed to ensuring the long humanitarian pause of at least 30 days on the whole territory of Syria to allow the safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid and medical evacuation of critically ill and injured. The text notes that the ceasefire does not apply to military operations against the “Islamic state”*, “dzhebhat an-Nusra and al-Qaeda”* and other persons and entities associated with IG* and “al-Qaeda”*. * A terrorist organization banned in Russia.

In the state Duma said that he is a “real shame” US

In the state Duma said that he is a “real shame” US MOSCOW, 24 Feb — RIA Novosti. The statements of us President Donald trump on the US objectives in Syria and “shame” Russia have nothing to do with reality, the word “shame” refers to the United States for the fragmentation of Libya, the dismemberment of Yugoslavia, the war in Iraq, said the head of the state Duma Committee on international Affairs Leonid Slutsky. Earlier, U.S. President Donald trump said that the U.S. is in Syria with one goal — “to get rid of the IG”*, after which they “go home”. The politician also called a “disgrace” the fact that Russia and Iran has done in Syria. “Motives trump statements absolutely clear: US ascribe to a definite victory over terrorism and to belittle the at the same time the maximum role of Russia and its partners in the Syrian settlement.

Zakharov: found in the Russian Embassy in Argentina, the cocaine was not related to the diplomatic pouch

The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova © Sergei Savostyanov/TASS MOSCOW, February 24. /TASS/. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova denied reports circulated by mass media information about what discovered in one of the buildings of the Russian Embassy in Argentina the cocaine belonged to the diplomatic pouch. A message posted Saturday on the official website of the Russian foreign Ministry in Facebook.